White House Releases Honey Ale Recipe under the Freedom of Information Act
The White House finally does something I can support with my tax dollars, they brew beer. Sorry, that’s as political as I can get.
Full story, directions and video at https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/09/01/ale-chief-white-house-beer-recipe. The video is actually pretty interesting. Wouldn’t that be impressive on your resume, White House Brewmaster? Grin.
September 02, 2012
I would like to order and pay just shipping & handling! ...We already paid for the beer, right?Anonymous
September 02, 2012
+1, make my order recurrent biweekly. And critics say that the executive branch has done pretty much nothing lately...Anonymous
September 02, 2012
I'll need some of that stuff for breakfast this November the 6th !!Anonymous
September 02, 2012
***, as in french #@$&! They should have kept the recipe a secret so we could have sold it to pay all or most of our trillion$ debt. Beware of the next tenant, he may privatize the only beer that's our own! And some foreign creditor may put a lien on those productive WH bees!!Anonymous
September 02, 2012
So that's what they pour in the glasses kept below the podiums :-) How much for a tasting tour? Sign me up!Anonymous
September 02, 2012
So this is the elusive missing link, the genuine BOB !!! P.S. Do we pay for a full-time beekeeper too?Anonymous
September 02, 2012
Are they also confessing to GUI?