Preview of the Belgian TechDays 2008 agenda

We've been working hard to finalize the agenda for the TechDays event next March 11th and 12th. Here's a preview (subject to change) on the sessions we're bringing this year. Check out the sessions and leave your comments!

We've got some great international and national speakers coming to Belgium: Alex Turner, Bart De Smet, Dave Webster, Matt Gibbs, Nikhil Kothari, Patrick Tisseghem, Peter Himschoot, Roy Osherove to name a few. Others still need confirmation so stay tuned for new names being added soon.

Session topics, in no particular order:

Deep Reflection (Roy Osherove)
In this 400 level session Roy Osherove digs deep into the heart of some of the new features in Reflection 2.0 such as runtime code generation using DynamicMethod (Lightweight Code Generation - LCG), parsing IL at runtime, generics in reflection, debugging runtime generated code, understanding Reflection.Emit, ReflectionOnly Context's for security and using Code gen to improve performance. Put your thinking cap on.

The ABC of building services with WCF (Peter Himschoot)
In today’s highly connected world being able to communicate is very important, especially for your applications. But how? Web Services? Remoting? Enterprise Services? WCF is Microsoft’s unified framework for building communication into your application, ready for the future. In this session we will look at building services with WCF, getting our hands dirty through building a service live, in front of your eyes. After this session you should have a clear understanding of the development life-cycle for WCF, the advantages of using WCF and how to proceed with it yourself.

Architecture and Databinding in WPF (Dave Webster)
Now that we have had some time to get used to XAML and WPF and seen the shiny new UIs we can build, it’s time to get serious about architecture and understand the power of databinding.  In this talk we will discuss advanced topics in databinding, the use of MVC architecture patterns and we will stretch Expression Blend version 2.0 to its limits.

We’ve been hacked! Web security for developers (Dave Webster)
This is a demo driven session showing the actual hack of a web site.  You will learn how to write your web sites securely, and what your IT department will need from you. Bring your laptop and join in!

Introduction to the new ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) Framework (Matt Gibbs)
A benefit of the MVC architectural pattern is that it promotes a clean separation between the models, views and controllers within an application. In the near future, ASP.NET will include support for developing web applications using an MVC based architecture.
The ASP.NET MVC Framework is designed to support building applications that exhibit the following traits:
- Testability – Red/Green test driven development.
- Maintainability –clear separation of concerns
- Extensibility – interfaces allowing custom implementation at all levels.
- Web Standards and clean URLs – with routing and giving developers tight control over the resulting HTML.
Join us for a dive into the new MVC Framework and learn how to leverage this new alterative in your own applications.

AJAX Patterns (Nikhil Kothari)
This session takes a deep look at the Ajax paradigm by discussing useful development patterns, common problems and associated solutions. Patterns covered range from development approaches such as unobtrusive script attachment, to fundamentals such as search optimization to user interface and usability patterns such as intuitive navigation and visual notifications. While the demonstrations are illustrated through basic scenarios, like any pattern, the concepts can be applied to your own applications. In the course of demonstrating the patterns, this talk will also cover various aspects of ASP.NET AJAX including the latest features.

Unit testing tips and tricks (Roy Osherove)
In this talk we'll explore techniques for dealing with various unit testing scenarios. From testing events, to testing databases to testing LINQ queries and anonymous types, we'll see many small scenarios and discuss the unit testing patterns that can help test them.

The .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework (Alex Turner)
Modern applications operate on data in several different forms: Relational tables, XML documents, and in-memory objects. Each of these domains can have profound differences in semantics, data types, and capabilities, and much of the complexity in today's applications is the result of these mismatches. Alex Turner, C# Compiler Program Manager, explains how Visual Studio 2008 aims to unify the programming models through LINQ capabilities in Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic, a strongly typed data access framework, and an innovative Application Programming Interface (API) for manipulating and querying XML.

LINQ Under the Covers: An In-Depth Look at LINQ (Alex Turner)
Want to know what really happens when you execute your favorite LINQ queries? Join us as we peek behind the curtain in Reflector to see how the C# compiler translates LINQ query expressions into standard query operators, while digging into the iterators that make LINQ to Objects tick. Learn exactly when query evaluation is deferred, and see how lambda expressions and closures work together to enable LINQ's elegant syntax. Then we'll explore how nearly identical LINQ to Objects and LINQ to SQL queries will result in radically different translations as we dig into the details of IQueryable and expression trees. Finally, we follow our IQueryable objects across the language barrier to investigate the unique features VB brings to LINQ, including XML literals. It is suggested that you attend the session "The .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework" before attending this session.

Creating Custom LINQ Providers – LINQ to Anything (Bart De Smet)
LINQ is all about unifying data access in a natural language integrated way. But there’s more than just LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML. In this session, we put ourselves on the other side of the curtain and explore the wonderful world of LINQ providers. You’ll learn how to create a fully functional LINQ query provider allowing users to target your favorite query language using familiar LINQ syntax in C# 3.0 and VB 9.0: LINQ to AD, LINQ to SharePoint, LINQ to AD, LINQ to Outlook, you name it! This is your chance to get to know the inner workings of LINQ.

Building internet web sites using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Joris Poelmans)
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 provides the necessary framework components to build an Internet web sites using master pages, page layouts and WCM specific functionality. In this session we will take an in-depth look at how to use these components and which are the best practices  for developing an internet web site while leveraging the MOSS platform. This session will conclude with a look at the Accessibility Kit for SharePoint as well as at the migration story for MCMS customers.

Building RIAs for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 (Patrick Tisseghem)
In this session you’ll learn how to leverage Web 2.0 technologies to deliver a rich and interactive end-user experience for SharePoint sites and content. Topics that will be covered are: building ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 enabled Web Parts; creating and consuming SharePoint Web Services that are AJAX-enabled; Web Parts hosting Silverlight 1.0 and 2.0 applications; techniques to have the Silverlight applications communicated back and forth with SharePoint content such as items in lists and libraries, user profile information and search results; samples of how publishing portals can be enriched with Silverlight navigation controls and enhanced page layouts; demos on how to build Vista Gadgets that display SharePoint content using traditional UI techniques as well as using Silverlight.

Building Rich Web Experience with Silverlight using Expression Blend and Visual Studio (Wim Verhaegen)
Silverlight is a cross-platform technology that brings new user interface capabilities such as vector graphics, media, animations and XAML to the browser.
Learn about building Silverlight applications using JavaScript, and see how Silverlight fits naturally into the AJAX development model.
This session provides developers the in-depth knowledge they need to start building Silverlight 1.0 applications today using Visual Studio and Microsoft Expression Blend.

IIS7 End-to-End Extensibility for Developers (Brian Delahunty)
In IIS7 the server exposes a brand new, powerful extensibility model for building server features that can be used to extend its functionality, or replace any of the default features.  With the Integrated Pipeline architecture, managed modules become virtually as powerful as native modules. In part I of this two part session, we will illustrate extending the server in an end to end scenario, building a managed module to extend the runtime and replace existing functionality.  We will then extend IIS7 diagnostics to instrument our module with custom trace events.


  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2008
    Here's an update on yet more sessions that will be added to the final agenda of this year's TechDays

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2008
    Here's an update on yet more sessions that will be added to the final agenda of this year's TechDays

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2008
    Les 12 et 13 mars prochains auront lieu les TechDays belges à l'ICC de Gand. Les TechDays, c'est