Display the slide number and the total slides in PowerPoint 2007

One of my customers asked me a question about PowerPoint 2007. He wanted to have the slide number and the total number of the slides in his presentations (ie: 3/45). I quickly developped a VSTO 3.0 Addin and here is the code. I created a Ribbon Button to call this method. I simply put this method in the ThisAddin.cs file:

        /// <summary>

        /// Format the slide numbers with: number/total number

        /// </summary>

        public void FormatSlideNumbers()


            int iSlides = 0;

            string SlideCounterName = "Slide Number Placeholder";




                // For every Slide in the Active Presentation

                for ( iSlides = 1; iSlides <= this.Application.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count; iSlides++)


                    // For every Shape in the Slide

                    foreach (PowerPoint.Shape myShape in Application.ActivePresentation.Slides[iSlides].Shapes)


                        // Check the shape containing "Slide Number Placeholder"

        if (myShape.Name.Contains(SlideCounterName))


                            string CurrentslideNumber = iSlides.ToString();

                            // Change the Slide's placeholder's name

                       myShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = CurrentslideNumber + @"/" + this.Application.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count.ToString();

                            myShape.Width = PowerPointAddInTools.Properties.Settings.Default.SlideWidth;





            catch (Exception ex)


                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An error has occured: " + ex.Message, "PowerPoint Tools", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);


Enjoy !
