Microsoft Management Roadmap

Contrary to popular Slashdot belief, Microsoft's 50,000+ employees do not operate as a giant hive mind. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything we're doing, and the flurries of email that follow any re-org tend to be so verbose that they hinder rather than help the situation (hey Eric, do you think we could do something about that?).

Luckily, we have a corporate subscription to Directions on Microsoft, who make it their (very expensive) business to divine what Microsoft is doing and where we're going. Sometimes they give away content for free, and this month they're featuring a nice article analyzing the roadmap for all of Microsoft's management tools: MOM, SMS, System Center, Windows Update, etcetera. If you want an easy-to-read analysis of the why and the how, not just the what and the when, this is the place to go.