OneNote Testing

What it is like to be a tester on the Microsoft OneNote team and day to day life as an SDET in Office. Plus a few tips for using OneNote and an occasional powertoy.

A nice tip for getting ASCII art to display in OneNote

I stumbled across a nice tip from Jason Mick about getting ASCII art to display in OneNote over on...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/20/2012

How the mighty (monitor stands) have fallen

My monitor stand, which I had to assemble on my own when we got a good deal on monitors with no...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/16/2012

A rare chance to get to explore a bit in OneNote

I was playing around with OneNote the other day (yes, just playing around - not working, testing or...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/13/2012

Onenote for Android is available!

This is really great. Onenote is now available for Android! Full details are here:...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/07/2012

From little acorns do big trees grow

It's never easy to predict where ideas from this blog will go. I received an email recently which...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/06/2012

Pin a OneNote page to the desktop

Omer updated his onetastic powertoy to give the capability to pin individual pages to the desktop....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/03/2012

Making Mufflers at Microsoft

It's Midyear Check In time at Microsoft this month. At this point, we all sit down with our managers...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/02/2012

Monitor problems

If it's not one thing, it's another. I've had bad luck with monitors since last Friday and currently...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/30/2012

Powertoys from the test team for 2011

It's been a fairly busy year for the OneNote test team.  One way I can give some...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/26/2012

Source code for the OneNote Table Sorter and Table of Contents powertoy

Odd - I normally blog on Monday and Thursday. I looked back at the last few weeks and between...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/23/2012

Cropping screenshots in OneNote 2010

Omer updated his toy to allow clippings in OneNote to be cropped! Have you ever clipped something...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/03/2012

Another tip for getting Unfiled Notes on Skydrive

This question came to me again a few times this last week. On the one hand, this means more OneNote...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/19/2011

A poweruser tip to moving OneNote files around to free hard drive space

Dan is a buddy of mine here at MS and he was facing the problem of his hard drive (c: drive) getting...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/15/2011

Some new powertoys for OneNote

Omer is a developer on the OneNote team and has a set of powertoys he wrote on his own time that he...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/30/2011

How I view OneNote automation

I had an interesting discussion this last week with a tester about the purpose of automation for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/17/2011

Network problems causing grief

Last week could have gone so much better but our building is experiencing some network problems....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/14/2011

Filtering the tag summary page to have only the tagged information you want

I mentioned on Monday that you can use the Tag Summary page to show you only the tags in OneNote you...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/10/2011

Use note tag colors to prioritize information on a OneNote page

I got a question from Denis last week that went like this: "[I] have different priorities on my...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/07/2011

Source code for OneCal

Not much to talk about here. Just about all the code here is set up to draw the calendar and compute...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 11/03/2011

Calendar view power toy for OneNote 2010

Omer, one of our developers here, kicked out a nice little powertoy for OneNote 2010 that lets you...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/31/2011

Tip: Quickly getting to Zoom commands in OneNote

I catch myself needing to zoom on pages in OneNote more and more frequently. Typically, I have a...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/13/2011

No phone for new testers

As I was (sort of successfully) getting our new tester's office set up for her, I opened a box...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/10/2011

Setting procmon to put logs in the TEMP folder

One of the testers on the team assigned a bug to me that concerns a test tool we use regularly....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/06/2011

Fighting with video cables, monitor stands and power supplies

Last week I was given a couple of machines to set up for a new tester who starts tomorrow. (She's...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 10/03/2011

Digging through email this week

I don't know if my blog got re-indexed by google, Bing and the other search sites or what, but I am...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/30/2011

Getting a lot done today

Just a short post today since I am getting a ton of work items completed. I don't want to interrupt...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/26/2011

Updated source code for the Table Sum powertoy for OneNote

Like I mentioned earlier, there is really not much different between this code and the powertoy for...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/22/2011

Table Sum toy updated for OneNote 2010

I got a couple of user requests recently to update the table sum powertoy that I wrote for OneNote...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/19/2011

The OneNote 2010 XML Schema Definition is now posted

We uploaded the XSD for our 2010 schema definition at...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/14/2011

A new monitor cable makes it feel like I got a new machine

For quite a while now, I have had a 24 inch monitor. I have it connected to a junction box that lets...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/12/2011

Getting an image from OneNote automation into email

One of our tools we use to test OneNote inserts images onto a page via our extensibility model. It...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/08/2011

Back from a few days off, and a batch file would not work

I got back into my office after a few days off and had an email to install a new monitoring tool. I...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 09/01/2011

OneNote tip: setting the width of the default note container

One of our internal OneNote users sent an email last week asking to somehow set the width of a...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/22/2011

A quick tool to clean up a folder and save me some time

  When I got to work this morning, I looked into a folder on a file server for the results of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/18/2011

Planning for a new level of verifications in automation

I'm getting ready to check in a new level of verification for our automated tests. The verification...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/15/2011

OneNote tip: getting OneNote to prompt you for where to store stuff

I've gotten this question a few times now and once more last night made me think this may be worth...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/11/2011

Using our test code repository to my (and OneNote’s) advantage

We have a lot of test tools we use around the OneNote test team. Some are available to everyone...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/08/2011

Three hardware changes around the OneNote testing hallway

This week saw three hardware happenings around the hallways of OneNote. And in the best interest of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/04/2011

"Behind the scenes" with the recent OneNote and Education post

Last week Michael wrote a great blog post about using OneNote in education. It has video, some good...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 08/01/2011

OneNote Spy (omspy) for OneNote 2010

Ilya created the OneNote OM Spy tool back in 2007. Here it is updated for OneNote 2010. It works...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/28/2011

Sad day - the twitter feed monitoring OneNote is gone

We needed the monitor for some other tasking. It's actually kind of sad. I was getting used to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/25/2011

A crashing bug in our test tools is finally fixed

We have a test tool we run every day that was crashing in certain circumstances. Specifically, it...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/21/2011

An oil spill takes out our test server?

In one of our labs, we have (had?) a moderately powerful machine. It was a Dell dual core server...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/18/2011

Using AutoHotKey to open a specific OneNote page

One of our internal OneNote users wanted a desktop shortcut to automatically open a specific page in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/14/2011

OneNote Section Color Powertoy updated for OneNote 2010

Now that SP1 for Office 2010 is out the door, I wanted to update the section color changer powertoy....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/11/2011

Patricia Walsh sets a triathlon world record (and tests OneNote too!)

Way to go Patricia! Full details here:...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/06/2011

Service Pack 1 is available for OneNote (and Office) 2010

I don't know how I missed blogging this - Office 2010 SP1 is now available. It has some improvements...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 07/02/2011

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