OneNote Tip: changing default bullet and numbering values

Last week I had to investigate an automated test that verifies the behavor of OneNote when a user alters the values a bulleted or numbered list uses. At the back of my head I knew this was possible, but have not used it much (outside of testing it) at all. I guess I am not much of a power outline user, but for OneNote users that do want this, here's how to do it.

On the Home tab is the button for Numbering. Notice it has a drop down arrow to the right of the 1,2,3 - click that down arrow:


At the bottom of the pop up that lists various "stock" formats for numbering is the command to Customize Numbers. Click it and this task pane opens on the right:


Way at the bottom is the "Start list at:" command. This is what the automation script I was investgating tested. It would entere a 100 here and then type two lines of text, then apply the new format to verify this:


To do this with the ribbon, you would enter the number you wanted to start with on the task pane, create your list and then clck the Numbers button.

I've used this myself when replying to long emails and wanting to quote only item #4 (for instance). Usually when I paste that single line the 4. gets converted to 1. and it makes it hard to follow the line of reasoning. Changing this to 4 makes my quoted content much easier to match to the original.

I'm just glad this is automated and I do not have to spend time testing this manually all the time.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,



  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2013
    Would be great if we could create new customs ourselves with a syntax like "string" $increment or something, so  can create numbered lists like step 1, step 2, step 3