Tips and Tricks for Visual Studio + Windows Azure at PDC ‘09

For those of you that will be attending PDC, I wanted to let you know about a session I’ll be doing on using Visual Studio 2010 to develop applications that run on Windows Azure.

The session will share a number of tips and tricks and show some cool new tools in Visual Studio for Windows Azure and SQL Azure.

The tips and tricks will be presented in the context of 2 walkthroughs:

  1. Creating a new cloud service application
  2. Migrating an existing ASP.NET Web Application to Windows Azure and SQL Azure

With this format I hope to make the session interesting and useful for developers that are new to Windows Azure as well as those who have been using Windows Azure for a while and want to learn some neat tricks and tips and some “under the hood” aspects of the tools.

Hope to see you there!  Wednesday at 1:30 PM in 515A 

A platform is only as powerful as the tools that let you build applications for it. This session focuses on using demos, not slides, to show the best way to use Visual Studio 2010 to develop Windows Azure applications. Learn tips, tricks and solutions to common problems when creating or moving an existing application to run on Windows Azure. Come see how Visual Studio 2010 supports all parts of the development cycle as we show how to take an ASP.NET application running on IIS and make it a scalable cloud application running on Windows Azure.



  • Anonymous
    November 11, 2009
    Thanks for the heads-up. Added to my schedule and to the OakLeaf blog. --rj

  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2009
    Awesome Rojer, thanks.