Memory Leak in SPLimitedWebPartManager (a.k.a. IDisposables Containing IDisposables)

Back in February, Roger Lamb kicked off his MSDN blog with a great post (SharePoint 2007 and WSS 3.0 Dispose Patterns by Example). It provides numerous code samples that demonstrate memory leaks commonly produced when working with the SharePoint object model. Kudos to Roger for putting this together.

Jon Quist, one of my fellow MCS team members on my current project, actually discovered Roger's post last week and brought it to the attention of the rest of the Development team. One of Jon's primary features on our project is Content Migration (which, as the name implies, involves migrating content from the customer's legacy ASP site to the new SharePoint site). Jon recently made some critical changes to the content migration utilities that avoid running out of memory when migrating thousands of pages. Kudos to Jon for digging into this and finding Roger's post.

Most of Roger's examples are based on the (hopefully) well-known MSDN whitepapers created by Scott Harris and Mike Ammerlaan:

We've known about the need to dispose SPSite and SPWeb objects since the days of WSS v2 and SPS 2003 and -- generally speaking -- our custom code wraps these instances in using blocks to ensure the objects are properly disposed. However, until Jon's discovery of Roger's post, both Jon and I were perplexed by the memory leaks in the content migration utilities. No matter how many times we scrutinized the content migration code, we just couldn't seem to see where we were leaking memory (and, quite honestly, it was easier to just "punt" this and simply restart the content migration process after the occasional OutOfMemoryException -- since the migration code is "smart enough" to skip previously migrated content).

It turns out that the primary cause of memory leaks in our content migration utilities is the first example in Roger's post: Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SPLimitedWebPartManager; "and therein, as the Bard would tell us, lies the rub." [Score +5 bonus points if you can name the movie that comes from.]

You see, the problem is that neither of the whitepapers noted above make any mention of SPLimitedWebPartManager, much less the need to dispose of its internal SPWeb object exposed through the Web property. Consequently, when I saw Roger's SPLimitedWebPartManager example...well, let's just say that something didn't feel "quite right" about it.

This morning I did a quick search for "SPLimitedWebPartManager dispose" on Windows Live, and found the following:

Napier, Bryan (2007). SPLimitedWebPartManager Memory Leak? .. of ones and zeros.. 2007-06-05.

I, for one, agree with Bryan's assessment. The memory leak is inherently in SPLimitedWebPartManager. While it is true that Roger's example shows one way of fixing the memory leak, the real fix -- at least in my opinion -- should be to modify SPLimitedWebPartManager to dispose of its resources when it, itself, is disposed. Heck, I'll even go so far as to say that all SharePoint classes should be modified to behave like this. For example, SPSite.ParentWeb and SPWeb.RootWeb should be inherently disposed by SPSite and SPWeb -- assuming the corresponding members were indeed instantiated -- instead of relying on the caller to dispose of these.

After all, as in the case of SPLimitedWebPartManager, how is the caller supposed to always know when the internal objects are instantiated and consequently need to be disposed?

In general -- again, just speaking my opinion here -- if a class that implements IDisposable, in turn, exposes IDisposable resources, then the containing class should dispose of the underlying objects -- instead of relying on the caller.

Unfortunately, depending on how custom code is actually written, this would likely cause "bugs" in custom code if the SharePoint team were to actually change this now. However, in my opinion, if you access an "inner" IDisposable object exposed by an "outer" object that implements IDisposable, then you had better not be using the "inner" object after disposing of the "outer" object. If your code currently does this, then, at least IMHO, your code is just plain wrong.

Don't agree with me? See something I am missing? Feel free to "flame me" with comments below. Don't worry, I can take it ;-)


  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2009
    Last Saturday, another team member sent an email out to the team inquiring about the "MOSS object disposal

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2009
    Since my previous post introduced one of my SharePoint Toolbox scripts, I thought I should share another

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2009
    I think Microsoft has made this pretty clear: CA1001: "Types that own disposable fields should be disposable"   according to the guidelines at least, the burden is not on the caller

  • Anonymous
    August 25, 2009
    Regarding the comment from "AndroidCoder"... Sorry, but I have to disagree on this one. While it would certainly be nice if the .NET Framework could somehow automatically release unmanaged resources, the reality is that it can't and hence why the IDisposable interface exists in the first place. You are right in that garbage collection was designed so we wouldn't have to worry about releasing objects, but that's only true when you are working in 100% managed code. However, one of the great things about the .NET Framework is that it allows you to interop with legacy (unmanaged) code. In other words, while it would be nice to ask a development team to completely scrap its legacy code base (by converting it to the equivalent managed code), the reality is that organizations (including the SharePoint team at Microsoft) have very significant investments in unmanaged code. The choice between rewriting legacy code in managed code (that preserves the same functionality) or instead developing brand new features is often an easy one to make. Think about it, which one excites Product Management? Certainly not the one that equates to "no new features, but lots of development effort." As for the comment from "thechrismo"... Um...what can I say? comment ;-)