Guidance Explorer: enabling discovery, composition and consumption of high quality development guidance

Several of our MVPs just recently “discovered” the Guidance Explorer project run by our very on patterns & practices team even though it’s been released for some time now.  Since this was a surprise to many of them, I figured it’d be good mention it more broadly in case others might find it useful.  As you hopefully know by now, the p&p team is all about providing guidance to architects and developers interested in learning more about how to apply Microsoft’s technologies to common application development scenarios.  They produce a ton of content and often times customers want to customize the organization of that guidance to make it easier to access and navigate.  Enter the Guidance Explorer.  This Codeplex project provides an easy way to:

  • Find relevant patterns & practices guidance
  • Build customized checklists for your development scenarios
  • Build customized guidelines for your development scenarios
  • Build custom sets of guidance and share with your team as recommended practice.

Here’s a quick screenshot of the tool:


As you can see, it provides the ability to navigate, search, filter and customize your view on all of p&p’s content.  Some of the guidance you might want to navigate with the Guidance Explorer includes:

Check it out and let us know if this works for you!



  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2008
    You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from

  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2008
    Αρκετοί χρήστες ανακάλυψαν πρόσφατα το project Guidance Explorer της ομάδας patterns & practices