Want to work on [TOP SECRET]?
I was reading job descriptions today and came across this one.
Cool thing is, I actually do know what it's about. But I can't tell you.
- Anonymous
July 15, 2004
Sounds to me like Microsoft is going to port the Microsoft .NET plattform to Sparc and PowerPC - to support Mac OS X and Solaris.
And something tells me that the job to port the main part of the tools and BCL is allready (almost done) - but they still have a lot to do on the web and data parts...
One Framework to rule 'em all ;) - Anonymous
July 16, 2004
Becomes grander since the XBox 2 is purported to be a PowerPC platform... wouldn't want to go out and dev a whole new platform for the XBox 2 now ;) - Anonymous
July 20, 2004