Windows Mobile Smackdown
Windows Mobility Smackdown at TechReady 6
Twice a year we have an internal Technical training event at Microsoft called TechReady. Myself and a few colleagues run a session called the Windows Mobile Smackdown which is massively attended and a little 'edgy'
Our Channel 8 team video'd the session this year and they've just published the video. Check it out!
March 23, 2008
Everyone I know at Microsoft uses a Windows Mobile phone (well, except for 2 people...1 guy that worksAnonymous
March 23, 2008
Everyone I know at Microsoft uses a Windows Mobile phone (well, except for 2 is a guy thatAnonymous
March 23, 2008
Everyone I know at Microsoft uses a Windows Mobile phone (well, except for 2 is a guy thatAnonymous
June 12, 2008
Each year at our internal technical conferences (Dangerous) Dan Arildson and myself have delivered aAnonymous
August 01, 2008
This week has been our internal Technical conference at Microsoft called TechReady.  For the past