Using Getting Start Wizard to Join TMG to a Windows Domain

One of the new features on Forefront TMG 2010 is the getting start wizard and the second step of this wizard has an option to configure the system settings. During the system configuration you will have the opportunity to join Forefront TMG to the domain in case you haven’t done prior to install TMG. Follow the steps below to perform this task:

1. On Forefront TMG Console highlight the server name and click Launch Getting Start Wizard.

2. Assuming that step one is finished, click Configure System Settings as shown below:


3. Click Next on the Welcome to the System Configuration Wizard page and the Host Identification page will appear as shown below:


4. Choose Windows domain option and click Change button. Enter the name of the domain to which we want to join this TMG Server as shown below:


5. After type the domain click OK and it will prompt you to type the domain credentials. Once you type the credentials and the process successfully finishes the window below appears requesting to restart the computer:


After confirm the restart operation by click OK button the system will restart and you will need to logon in the domain in order to continue to run the Getting Start Wizard. A new addition to the console that can save you some time while deploying Forefront TMG 2010.



Junaid Ahmad Jan

Support Engineer,

Microsoft CSS Forefront Security Edge Team

Technical Reviewer

Yuri Diogenes

Sr Security Support Escalation Engineer,

Microsoft CSS Forefront Security Edge Team


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Good One Man!!

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2010
    Hi Yuri, I understand most traditional security folks would never allows TMG to join domain and miss out on the integrated functionality of domain authenication. Assuming I having a poor man network and wish to implement TMG + Protection for Exchange 2010 egde and Edge Transport on the same host as TMG and is looking to having the server as a member server, is it advisable and how is my approach be like?