Microsoft InfoPath 2010

The official blog of the Microsoft InfoPath product team

Browser Forms with Spell Check

With InfoPath Forms Services, you can take powerful InfoPath forms, and allow users to fill them out...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/16/2006

Two excellent InfoPath resources

I just came across two great InfoPath resources: A series of articles by Christopher Domino (12...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/14/2006

Cascading Dropdowns in Browser Forms

If you are building an InfoPath client-only solution and you need to filter drop-down list boxes,...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/12/2006

Do it anyway: Submitting with Data Validation errors

When building a workflow solution using InfoPath, it is often necessary to enforce data validation...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/09/2006

Where do UDC files come from?

Where do UDC files come from? - I knew you’d ask. (For those of you who are wondering what a UDC...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/05/2006

Data Connections in Browser Forms

A while back, I wrote a series of 3 blog posts about authentication that was targeted at advanced...

Author: infopath1 Date: 10/02/2006

Protecting Sensitive Data

Frequently, we find developers using InfoPath as a platform for developing solutions that manipulate...

Author: infopath1 Date: 09/28/2006

Dynamic Pictures

When designing a feature-rich InfoPath form template, it is sometimes necessary to provide a dynamic...

Author: infopath1 Date: 09/25/2006

Save the Date! Using Horizontal Repeating Sections

InfoPath 2007 introduces a new flavor of the repeating section control - horizontal repeating...

Author: infopath1 Date: 09/09/2006

One-to-Many Relationships on Database Connections

There have been a few questions about how the main database submit data connection works with...

Author: infopath1 Date: 08/29/2006

Enforcing unique values in a repeating list

Have you ever created a form which allows the user to choose items from a list and you wanted to...

Author: infopath1 Date: 08/10/2006

Andrew May knows XML Forms on SharePoint

This is a shout out to Andrew May, who's posted some great content on SharePoint as it relates to...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/21/2006

New Article about the New Developer Features

Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a new MSDN article that has just recently been published...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/17/2006

Multi-Select List Box: Requiring at least one entry

Yesterday I introduced the Multi-Select List Box and talked about how its data source is somewhat...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/14/2006

Introducing the Multi-Select List Box

InfoPath 2007 introduces a new control, the multi-select list box, for cases when you want to allow...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/13/2006

Don't settle for just one: Adding multiple default rows

Since I realize not everyone has installed the Beta yet (you can do it!), I figure it's time for a...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/12/2006

Got suggestions?

One of the reasons we started this team blog was to get your comments (spurred by our tips and...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/07/2006

More than one way to write code: Visual Studio and InfoPath

If you need to write some Visual Basic or C# code behind your form, or maybe just some script, there...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/06/2006

Advanced server-side authentication for data connections, part 3

This is the final segment of my three part series. In the first part of this series I introduced the...

Author: infopath1 Date: 07/03/2006

Publish faster to even more places with InfoPath 2007

When designing a form template, publish is an important step to make the form available for end...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/30/2006

Introducing Horizontal Repeating Tables

InfoPath 2007 adds horizontal repeating table to the control toolbox for when you want data to be...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/28/2006

Advanced server-side authentication for data connections, part 2

In the first part of this series I introduced the concepts involved in three tier authentication....

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/27/2006

Add C# or Visual Basic to your existing form using VSTO

Have you ever created an InfoPath form to later discover that you have to write code in order to...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/21/2006

Open your rolodex from InfoPath using the Contact Selector

Speaking of Outlook integration, Microsoft Office 2007 includes a new control that enables you to...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/19/2006

Accessing InfoPath forms from Outlook

We have made significant investment in Office 2007 to better integrate InfoPath with Outlook. To...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/16/2006

Advanced server-side authentication for data connections, part 1

To tier three... and beyond! Real-world enterprise applications are seldom restricted to a single...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/14/2006

Improvements to Share Point integration - Property demotion

One of the new features in InfoPath 2007 when publishing to a SharePoint 2007 server is the ability...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/13/2006

Compatibility between InfoPath 2003, 2007, and Forms Server

Ask and ye shall receive. Here's a short summary of how to think about compatibility when designing...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/08/2006

Getting the XPath without straining your brain

Yesterday I talked about using System.Xml in the new object model. My code examples included a key...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/07/2006

"Design Once" and the new InfoPath 2007 Object Model

One of the main design principles for InfoPath 2007 and Forms Services 2007 is that you can create...

Author: infopath1 Date: 06/06/2006

Goodbye WhoAmI! Hello userName()

Anyone who's tried to get the username of the person filling out their form in InfoPath 2003 knows...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/26/2006

Use Visual Studio to create InfoPath forms… without code

Although the primary purpose of Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office (InfoPath 2007 Support) is to...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/24/2006

Download the Beta!

I'm super excited to announce Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Beta and Microsoft Office Forms Server...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/23/2006

Cool video on InfoPath in Outlook

As part of getting everyone up to speed on Office 2007, and in preparation for the imminent release...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/19/2006

Best Practices for Rules

My forms have a bad habit of accumulating more and more rules as I add more and more functionality...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/17/2006

Auto height for sections

InfoPath forms are all about being dynamic, so it's important that the sections in your form grow...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/10/2006

Moving fields in the data source

As most folks figure out quickly, InfoPath doesn't support drag-and-drop of fields in the data...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/04/2006


In my last post I covered how to make Wizard-like forms. This time I want to talk about another...

Author: infopath1 Date: 05/01/2006

WebCast Reminder: Developing Office InfoPath 2007 Forms

Hello all,I want to thank those of you who attended last week's WebCast. We had a few technical...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/21/2006

Wizards (and we're not talking Harry Potter)

I just got back from some customer visits in Washington DC (governments tend to have a lot of...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/20/2006

WebCast Reminder: Developing Rich Client and Browser Forms

I want to thank those of you who attended last week’s WebCast. It was a big success. Tomorrow,...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/17/2006

Check if form is new using roles, not code

Ever want to add conditional formatting or special rules that only fire if your form was just...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/13/2006

Webcast Reminder: New Features in Office InfoPath 2007

Hi all,This is just a reminder that on Tuesday, Gray Knowlton will present the first in our...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/10/2006

Email Submit "To" line (loops in formulas)

Everyone likes InfoPath's email data connection because it lets you collect forms using email only,...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/05/2006

Fun for the Whole Office Family

Most of this blog focuses on advanced tips and tricks for InfoPath, but I'd hate it if that left you...

Author: infopath1 Date: 04/04/2006

MSDN WebCasts: InfoPath 2007

In April, the InfoPath team will present three MSDN WebCasts introducing the new features available...

Author: infopath1 Date: 03/31/2006

Let the blogging begin

We've been heads down working on the upcoming Beta and had to take a break from blogging. But now...

Author: infopath1 Date: 03/30/2006

Using InfoPath e-mail forms

First I’d like to mention that, as part of a recent announcement, the product name for InfoPath “12”...

Author: infopath1 Date: 02/22/2006

Tudor's overview of InfoPath browser-based forms

This is my first blog on InfoPath 12 so please allow me to introduce myself. I’ve started in...

Author: infopath1 Date: 12/13/2005

Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 Toolkit for Visual Studio 2005

Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005, and BizTalk 2006 all launched on Monday.That means the...

Author: infopath1 Date: 11/11/2005

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