jQuery 1.5.1 Supports IE9
Last week the jQuery team announced the release of jQuery 1.5.1. This is a bug fix release to jQuery 1.5 that includes a particularly exciting note:
“jQuery now supports Internet Explorer 9 as a top level browser.”
This means all known issues with IE9 have been resolved and new issues will be resolved before future versions of jQuery are released.
On behalf of the IE team, I want to thank the jQuery team and contributors for their efforts to support IE9 and for their continued work on an awesome JavaScript library.
Please download and use the latest version of jQuery to get your site ready for IE9.
—Tony Ross, Program Manager, Internet Explorer
March 02, 2011
Very nice Work! :)Anonymous
March 02, 2011
Good work IE team. Now where is Steve with his totally irrelevant "mommy I am unable to test my websites on old IE versions" post?Anonymous
March 02, 2011
Will you be sending the jQuery team a cake? :-)Anonymous
March 02, 2011
The cake is a lie :)Anonymous
March 02, 2011
Does this mean that IE9 breaks all the sites which use a version of jQuery prior to 1.5.1?Anonymous
March 02, 2011
I like the fact that you guys totally skipped mentioning anything about the last part regarding this in the jQuery post :) "All known bugs have been fixed and/or been reported to the IE team for resolution in the final release"Anonymous
March 02, 2011
@Tim Broddin No, many aspects of prior jQuery versions work just fine with IE9. The known issues related to specific interactions that could cause problems.Anonymous
March 02, 2011
If a site that is using jQuery doesn´t work in IE9, you can use the compatibility mode.Anonymous
March 02, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 02, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 02, 2011
@jason: and how would you do that? Just dive into the jQuery sources and remove stuff by yourself?Anonymous
March 02, 2011
But IE9 don't support TEXT-SHADOW...................................................................................................................................................................badbabdbad.............................................!!!!Anonymous
March 02, 2011
Congrats to both the jQuery and IE teams. Is there any chance that jQuery could one day be included as a native library in Chakra?Anonymous
March 02, 2011
IE WEB THE sorrowAnonymous
March 02, 2011
Nice!! Many thanksAnonymous
March 02, 2011
Congratulations ^_^Anonymous
March 02, 2011
@willpeavy.com - no jQuery will never ship as embedded code inside Chakra (or any browser) as it would not work well when it comes to versioning etc. In addition although (IMHO) jQuery is by far the best JavaScript library out there we've seen time and time again that Monopolies do not work and they stifle innovation. Competition is needed to keep innovation strong - and diversity is needed because sometimes you need different things. e.g. there are some great JS libs dedicated to animations and sprites... others to form controls, others for media, etc. If you are going the ASP MVC route, you've got jQuery built in now... and better yet, using the Google or Yahoo or whomever's CDN works better since the code may already be loaded before the user hits your site... and regardless the load is one less item on your site.Anonymous
March 02, 2011
OneBar - OK, as long as it supports the same Search functionality, but it doesn't. There's a bug involved, too. Specifically, I often do a search, then change the search engine to repeat the same search elsewhere. I can't find a way to do this in IE9's OneBox, because the search ends up as an engine-specific URL, and changing search engines appears to do nothing (the engine icon does not change) until you search something else; then that search is applied with the new engine, even tho the old engine's icon is still displayed. As tested on Win7 Pro 64. Sorry to comment here; I tried to do it to a more appropriate post (User Experience...), but could find no UI to drop a comment there.Anonymous
March 02, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 03, 2011
ie9 dont render correctly border-radius on an fieldset. the border rendered are square.Anonymous
March 03, 2011
May sites like word press sites have the jquery versies encoded in them. So they are not likely to upgrade any time soonAnonymous
March 03, 2011
I hope someday browsers will include precompiled versions of major JavaScript libraries like jQuery with a standard way to check if the version you are looking for is already there. If the check fails for the precompiled library then you just link to the .js file like usual. Would save a lot of download time and bandwidth.Anonymous
March 03, 2011
@ie9 bad css3 implementation - looks like they re-broke bug #419 in the RC release. webbugtrack.blogspot.com/.../bug-419-fieldset-legends-broken-again.html Hopefully there is one release before the final to iron out all the remaining kinks, fix innerHTML, fix the addressbar problems, add a spellchecker and widespread geolocation accuracy issues.Anonymous
March 03, 2011
Sorry for the Off Topic, but what are the internal default values of IE9 for MaxConnectionsPerServer and MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server? Thanks.Anonymous
March 03, 2011
Great! BTW, there being a hiccup in tinyMCE js plugin in IE9's native mode. It turns the textarea into steel. Changing the mode to 7/8 make it run smoothly. ~ Please provide the "Create Download" button, so user can enter manual URL to save a file, resource or the entire webpage within the download manager: connect.microsoft.com/.../625057Anonymous
March 04, 2011
Also, on IE9's native mode, the fifth test fails: tinymce.moxiecode.com/.../tinymce.Formatter_apply.html Use the compatibility mode and it works! tinymce.moxiecode.com/.../remove.html uses Java plugin. FF renders it perfectly fine. But IE9 crashes the page in such a way that the back-button on the page dismounts/forget the previously viewed pages list for that tab.Anonymous
March 04, 2011
It seems that there is another one. document [dot] recalc msdn.microsoft.com/.../ms536685%28v=vs.85%29.aspx is missing in IE9. We used this method on IE 8 to workaround issues with dynamically loading CSS would produce a "1 item remaining" bug.Anonymous
March 04, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 04, 2011
Old jQuery versions should mostly work fine since they don't use browser sniffing for quite some time now, but its child jQuery UI does, so I wonder how older versions of latter library are able to cope with IE9.Anonymous
March 04, 2011
@Dave Methvin [jQuery] The recalc example on the article you reffered to seems to work fine in IE9 RC samples.msdn.microsoft.com/.../recalc.htmAnonymous
March 05, 2011
please, support history manipulation in final ie9 (pushState + replaceState + onpopstate)Anonymous
March 05, 2011
@Chris Quirke: Enter search term in OneBar to search with Search Engine X. As you pointed out, this will replace your search term with the Search Engine X URL. Now, click the magnifier icon in the OneBar. The URL is replaced with the original query. Click the icon for Search Engine Y and you can repeat the same search without retyping it.Anonymous
March 05, 2011
hello, I have a Question regarding my IE9. has there been any updates since last week?Anonymous
March 05, 2011
Why are some people congratulating the IE Team. They didn't do anything. It was the hard work of the jQuery team that made this work and, considering how awful a job trying to get anything to work in IE9 is, I pity them for feeling they had to do this.Anonymous
March 05, 2011
Rob, your mom has been waiting outside the school for 20 minutes. Please leave your drama club friends and go meet her.Anonymous
March 05, 2011
HELLO MICROSOFT! Hey you guys could always make an installer for windows xp that has the IE8 interface, that has support for html5 and the others added in IE9 but just remove tracking protection and activeX filtering and the stuff that windows xp can't hold... ( I copied the ieframe.dll from my windows7 computer to my windows xp and than the Microosft IE9 installer let me install the web browser on windows xp.)Anonymous
March 05, 2011
Ooo... Really ? Can someone else confirm that? Please write some blog on this one.. people will love that.Anonymous
March 06, 2011
Of course it can be done. Its only politics, nothing more...Anonymous
March 06, 2011
@Windows xp is right! i tried it!Anonymous
March 06, 2011
March 06, 2011
There is an Internet explorer for Windows xp its called Firecocks! XD http://getfirecocks.com and after installingAnonymous
March 06, 2011
Ha ha I tried to install IE9 on the pathetic XP. The OS immediately crashed and BSOD into oblivion. When I restarted my ENTIRE hard drive was BLANK. I then dumped the pathetic XP, installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, and now running the beautiful IE9 RC smoothly. Thank you Microsoft for ditching the pathetic XP.Anonymous
March 06, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 06, 2011
No XP Isn't dead! Make Another version of IE but called It "Internet Explorer for xp" There is a version of Internet explorer for mac called Internet explorer for mac Why not Internet explorer for xp? Come on Microsoft please? That is the least you can do for us for charging so much for windows 7Anonymous
March 07, 2011
good infoAnonymous
March 07, 2011
@ Windows xp "No XP Isn't dead! Make Another version of IE but called It "Internet Explorer for xp" They already did. It's called IE8Anonymous
March 08, 2011
@Barney- "no jQuery will never ship as embedded code inside Chakra (or any browser)" That's a strong claim, that, I believe will soon be proven incorrect. "as it would not work well when it comes to versioning etc." Versioning could be handled through a header or meta element. "In addition although (IMHO) jQuery is by far the best JavaScript library out there we've seen time and time again that Monopolies do not work and they stifle innovation." Most will agree that monopolies are bad. But who said anything about native jQuery being exclusive to Chakra? You could throw in Prototype, YUI, etc as native libs as well. "using the Google or Yahoo or whomever's CDN works better since the code may already be loaded before the user hits your site... and regardless the load is one less item on your site." CDNs are fast, but native libs would be faster.