hhh comic series week 13-2
Brought to you by Microsoft and Seagate. Explore the ultimate action adventure from Seagate........starring you as the hero. Do you have a story idea? Submit it {here}.
April 25, 2008
I gotta say, this comic is definitely getting better and the banter (comments) has been hilarious! Keep up the good work people :DAnonymous
April 25, 2008
When all else fails, outsource!Anonymous
April 25, 2008
Why haven't they just reinstalled the servers like they did at the TV place, and the soccer TV place before it?Anonymous
April 25, 2008
Maybe because everyone here complained...?Anonymous
April 25, 2008
I gotta admit, I scoffed at the whole variant of rootkit situation, but today at work one of my clients got a rootkit. I promptly removed it of course, only to discover several variants planted there as well. I guess that just shows you don't want to have "tech help karma", cuz it'll getcha every time.