VSTS 2008 Database Edition GDR June CTP

Today, at Tech*Ed 2008 Developer, we announced the immediate availability of the first public CTP of the Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition GDR.

GDR stands for General Distribution Release. The GDR will be an out-of-band release enabling support for SQL Server 2008. It also introduces the new product architecture, which for those of you who are keeping up with the code names, is work that is a direct result of the "Rosario" project.


What is in the GDR?

In addition to enabling SQL Server 2008 database projects, the GDR release incorporates many of the previously released Power Tools functionality as well as several new features. The new features include explicit separation of Build and Deploy, separation of Database and Server project, improved project reference support, T-SQL Static Code Analysis and integration with SQL-CLR projects.


Architectural changes

  • No more DesignDB; one of the most important architectural changes is that the Database Edition no longer requires a local SQL Server instance to host the "Design Database" to open and validate a database project.
  • Single model, everything is now loaded in a single model representation. The model now represents all object types, which removes the need to have certain objects represented as Pre or Post Deployment scripts. This means that for example logins, rules, defaults, asymmetric keys, symmetric keys, certificates, etc. are now schema objects and therefore fully participate in schema comparison and build/deploy. Pre or Post Deployment scripts still exist, but are only used to perform none schema object related operations.
  • The model is no longer 100% memory resident, in today's version all model information has to reside in memory, this change dramatically lowers the memory consumption of the product.
  • Provider based, the underlying implementation of the project system and schema model are changed to be provider based. Providers are refer to as "Database Schema Providers" or DSP's for short. The GDR release will ship with 3 providers supporting SQL Server: 2000, 2005 and 2008. However if you watch the Tech*Ed keynote this morning, you saw that IBM is working on a provider to support DB2 and there are others that are working on providers for other database management systems.
    • Providers are not restricted to relational database systems, in the future we will be adding providers that support dimensional and hierarchal data stores.

Project System

  • Database & Server project separation
    • We separated out the existing database project in to two project flavors: database and server. The server project represent those schema objects that are server wide, for example logins, linked servers, server side DDL triggers etc. Database projects represent the objects inside the user database. The split enables a team to define a standard a configuration for their SQL servers and reference it from their Database Projects. The goals is to have a single point of definition and to be able to share this definition between projects and deployments.
      • The separation is implemented using a property inside the project file. There are effectively 3 modes: server, database and hybrid. The hybrid project represents the overloaded project model as it exists today where server and database objects are mixed inside a single project. This model is there to support existing project upgrades.
  • Partial projects
    • Allow code sharing between projects by including files from a different project, where the code is included "as-is" from the originating project and the source code control ownership remains with the originating project. This enables code reuse between projects and while resulting in a single deployment unit.
  • Composite projects
    • Composite projects, enables database projects and/or .dbschema files to contribute to another project. This enables the separation of development roles and responsibilities and composition of Databases using multiple projects. It extends the existing database reference implementation, by allowing to contribute in to the same database, where the existing database projects have to represent 3 or 4 part name references.
  • Single sourcing of external artifacts
    • You can now create a reference to a SQL-CLR (VB.NET or C#) project, or the binary output of a project and turn it in to a ASSEMBLY inside the project. This enables single sourcing of artifacts that are developed outside the context of the database project. For the final release we will also allow references to XSD files which will become XML Schema Collections inside the database schema.

SQL Server 2008 Support

  • The GDR adds a new project for supporting SQL Server 2008. The June CTP has support of the new SQL Server 2008 data types, both intrinsic (date, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time), build-in SQL-CLR types (geography, geometry, hierarchyid), support for the new DML MERGE syntax and support for table typed parameters. The remaining SQL Server 2008 syntax and functionality will be added in future CTP's.

Build & Deploy

  • One of the other main changes in the GDR is the separation of the build and deployment process. Build now produces a single portable artifact file, a .DBSCHEMA file. The DBSCHEMA file is an XML representation of your complete schema. The DBSCHEMA is then fed in to the redistributable deployment engine.
  • The deployment engine now uses the exact same database model as Schema Compare, which guarantees the same results between the two parts of the system.


  • The biggest change in refactoring is the addition of a patented implementation of a feature named "Preservation of Intent". This enables the deployment of refactoring changes as intended by the user. For users this means that renames are deployed as renames not as drop/add statements, move aschemas as move schemas etc.
  • Besides that we are adding new refactoring types that we previously in the Power Tools:
    • Wildcard Expansion
    • Move Schema
    • Fully Qualify
  • And we are enabling extensibility for refactoring which enables users to develop and deploy custom refactoring types and targets.
    • Types are the refactoring operations, where targets are the artifacts you want to apply the refactoring operation to. An example of a refactoring type is: table split or upper case all keywords. An example of a refactoring target is an Reporting Services RDL file, which contains references to database schema objects, which if you change thos, you want to update them as part of the refactoring operation.

Schema Compare

  • Schema Compare now uses the same underlying database model as build and deploy, guaranteeing fidelity between the results. This allows the user to compare any combination of Database Projects (.dbprj), live Databases or .DBSCHEMA files.  So comparing project to project, project with a DBSCHEMA file, or a DBSCHEMA file with a live database.
  • We added the ability to limited the schema comparison based on object types (Object Type Filtering) and we added additional Ignore filtering options.
  • We also enabled the substitution of SQLCMD variables, allowing correct comparison when using SQLCMD variables for references or in other parts of your code.

T-SQL Static Code Analysis

  • T-SQL Static Code Analysis, and the accompanying MSBuild task, are now part of the main product.
  • And we added the ability to develop and deploy your own custom T-SQL Static Code Analysis rules.

Dependency Viewer

  • The Power Tools to view the dependency relationship between objects inside your schema, is now part of the base product.

Database Unit Testing

  • Database unit testing now supports execution of tests using different ADO.NET providers and it also enables unit testing when using multiple database projects.

• Data Generation

  • We made some general design-time enhancements Data Generation like adding support for undo/redo and separation of the population status into new display window.
  • The Foreign key generator can now be replaced by custom generator.
  • And we made some runtime enhancements, by default the Data Generator now uses the SqlBulkCopy interface to populate target tables, which results in a general performance improvement during data load time.
  • We also introduced the concept of Data Sinks which allow the user to register different outputs, for example we can generate data to files instead of to a live database, so data can be loaded out-of-band using BCP or BULK INSERT. 
  • And last but not least we were able to significantly trim the size of the .DGEN file. 

Public extensibility:

  • The last piece we changed in the GDR is to expose more extensibility points in to the system. In the GDR we are not allowing new providers to be plugged in this will be available in the next release, but we do allow users to extend the system by writing their own:
    • Data Generators
    • (Statistical) Data Distributions
    • Test Conditions
    • T-SQL Static Code Analysis Rules
    • Refactoring Types
    • Refactoring Target
  • We also made the deployment engine a redistributable component, so you can deploy DBSCHEMA files programmatically.


So where to get the GDR?

All of this is part of the Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition GDR June CTP which is available right now! Please see the download page.

Make sure you have the prerequisites installed, which means installing Visual Studio 2008 SP1 beta.


Feedback, questions, bugs, suggestions

Please post questions to the MSDN Visual Studio Team System - Database Professionals forum. For bugs, ideas and suggestions please use the Microsoft Connect site https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio and fill them using the Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition GDR link.

Group Engineering Manager
Visual Studio Team System Database Edition


  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2008
    Speaking of Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition (aka DBPro), Gert Drapers was interviewed

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2008
    Typical I am giving a session on VS2008 DataDude tomorrow and Microsoft go and release a new version

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2008
    Gert Drapers , group manager for the team responsible for the Team System Database Edition, recently

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2008
    Gert Drapers le responsable du produit a annoncé le tout sur son blog . Le nom de la version est VSTS

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2008
    Also, at the TechEd Keynote, I demonstrated VSTS for Database Professionals working with DB2.  The

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2008
    In January 2007 I complained about the support for renaming fields in VS Tools for DB Professionals.

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2008
    This coming fall, we will be having a full day, hands-on workshop at SQL Connection in Las Vegas, covering

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    One of the most common questions I hear when talking about the Database Professional edition is "does

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    Are you ready for this?  No more design DB, meaning no longer are you required to have a local instance

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    Last week, at TechEd 2008 Developer, Data Dude team announced the immediate availability of the first...

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2008
    More stuff related to SQL Server 2008. At Tech*Ed 2008 Developer last week they announced the immediate

  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2008
    Ok folks, as I mentioned in a previous post , I'd like to discuss a few of the things I've been up to

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2008
    Brian Harry on Sharing Team System Process Templates and TFS & Teamprise for enterprises doing serious...

  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2008
    I went to install an instance of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta onto a Windows Server 2008 machine today

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2008
    Давненько не писал :) А тем временем вышло сразу несколько продуктов, которые меня интересуют. Наконец-то...

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2008
    On Wednesday July 9th, I will be presenting for the Pacific Northwest SQL Server User Group. If you are

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition (以下 VSDB )での SQL Server 2008 対応について簡単にご紹介したいと思います。 SQL

  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2008
    The comment has been removed