Worst Jobs in Science and Technology...


the German Spiegel Magazin quoted in a ticker news (see https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,491259,00.html) the US magazine Popular Science (see https://www.popsci.com/popsci/science/0203101256a23110vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd/5.html) about an article on the worst jobs in science (and I suppose in technology, too).

The Spiegel emphasized winner number 6: The Microsoft Security Grunt, aimed on the group of people behind the MIcrosoft Security efforts. Guys, you are 5 years behind the time ;-)

I did the following: First looking on the results we had with Windows Vista the picture shows a real change. One can argue that counting bugs and patches might not be the best metric. But please don't forget that it was not Microsoft to come up with this metric. Years ago when we looked really bad on this the metric was always brought up and when we had asked about the sense behind we were accused of being not willing to stand for our faults.

Then we asked our "Security Grunt" here in Germany to give us an interview on the topic. Because he is a smart, nice and handsome guy and I am really eagering to make fun with that price I will insist on that video ;-) We will have fun...

Looking in the future it won't be any fun anymore. As a reader of the IEEE Security & Privacy (and some other blogs and stuff) I really do see a bitter future for the Security Grunts of all IT companies. The sins of the past will beat us hart in the future. Looking at Microsoft it took us a tremendous effort to come were we are now which is not the end of the road but extremely better than what we had in the year 2000. And I am not to shy to say we are according to awareness, processes and technologies with a few other companies on the leading edge. The struggle is not over yet (will it ever be?? I doubt...) but we already started.

Looking around a bit IT security leaves the same  impression to me as the environmental discussion. As an industry we all see problems uprising but still continue to do what we did and how we did it so far. I have been on the road with security in software development since the very first day I started at Microsoft. And it still is hard work to push out information on this... 


