Täielik ülevaade Microsofti arendusplatvormist

Microsoft DevDays 2009 arendusseminar - Tallinn Põhjaliku ülevaate Microsofti arendusplatvormist ja suundadest annab järgmisel teisipäeval Tallinnas toimuv Microsoft DevDays 2009 seminar. Kõik huvilised on teretulnud ja registreerida saab veel tänase jooksul selle veebilehe või e-maili teel.

Loe seminari ülesehituse ja kava kohta minu eelmisest postitusest - Arendaja, osale MS DevDays 2009 seminaril.

Lisan ka loetelu peamistest ettekandmisele tulevatest teemablokkidest:

  • Introduction and description of the overall architectural concepts, Microsoft development platform and approaches; Data Layer of the architecture will cover topics such as ADO.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ, Synch Framework, Azure Services, ADO.NET Data Services, Project Velocity, ...; .NET Framework, WCF, WF, Azure Services, Windows Server Dublin, Identity Management will be discussed under the Business Composition Layer topics;
  • User Interface and Composition will cover technologies such as .NET Compact Framework, WPF, ASP.NET, AJAX, AJAX MVC, Windows Azure, and SharePoint Server. Of course we will address also some more architecturally oriented topics such as application modeling and smart client guidance.
  • A special part of the event will also focus on client technologies that include IE8, Windows 7, Silverlight, IIS, Live Mesh and tools like Expression.
