Marshal-by-ref versus Serializable Objects

(There's been a sudden influx in blog readers asking me good questions, which is great. Be patient; I'll try to cover them over the next few entries.)

In response to yesterday's entry on serializable JScript .NET objects, a reader asked

Please forgive my cargo-cultism: What is the difference between Marshal By Reference and Serialization?

First off, cargo cultists never stop to ask themselves "hey, how exactly DOES an airplane work?" That's what makes them cargo cultists: they don't ask questions about what they don't understand, they just forge ahead.

Let me give you an analogy. I want to talk to you. I'm in Seattle, you're in Hong Kong, and neither of us want to move. There is a barrier between us, namely the Pacific Ocean.

There are two "obvious" ways to solve this problem.

1) Build a telephone system between Seattle and Hong Kong. I get a telephone receiver with "CLIENT PROXY" written on it. You get a telephone receiver with "SERVER STUB" written on it. Instead of talking to you, I talk into Proxy. Proxy talks to Stub somehow -- I really don't care how the phone system works, so long as it does -- Stub talks to you. We get the illusion that we're actually talking to each other, when we're actually talking to hunks of plastic, but the information content is the same, so who cares? Maybe there is some delay and expense, but the proxy does a good enough job of sending and receiving messages that we can communicate across the barrier.

2) Sequence your DNA into a string. Run your brain through a Molecular Neuron Defrobnicator that extracts all your memories and saves them to disk. Put the DNA string and memory data onto CD-ROMs, and FedEx the box of CD-ROMs to Seattle. Once I get them in Seattle, I rebuild your DNA from the sequence information using nanorobots. I inject the rebuilt DNA into an egg cell. We use the egg cell to grow a copy of you in the lab. When the brain is developed enough, I use my Molecular Neuron Refrobnicator to insert your memories into the clone's brain. 

Who needs the phone? I can talk to you in person! And now there are two of you running around, one in Hong Kong, one in Seattle, so you can get your work done in Hong Kong without worrying about waiting by the phone all the time.

OK, maybe the second isn't quite as obvious as the first, but in principle it would work. That it happens to be in real life cheaper to build telephone systems than Molecular Neuron Frobnicators is irrelevant; in the world of .NET objects, they are about equally expensive.

The first option is marshal by ref -- the object is marshaled by creating a proxy/stub pair that knows how to talk across whatever barrier it is you're moving the object. There is enormous, expensive machinery behind the scenes that moves the information around on your behalf, but you don't have to understand it, you just have to pay the performance penalty of using it.

The second is serialization. A serializable object knows how to dump its state (its memories) into a byte array. We move the byte array across the boundary, which is easily done -- it's just bytes. We move the name of the type of the object (it's DNA) across the barrier as a string as well. On the destination side we can create an instance of that type and then dump the original state from the byte array into the new object. Now there are two identical objects, one on each side of the boundary.

Clearly there are pros and cons of both approaches. The telephone system between Seattle and Hong Kong was NOT cheap to build and is not cheap to use. If multiple people are trying to talk to you on multiple phones at the same time, sorting out all the conversations can be difficult. You might have to put people on hold for a while, which isn't cheap either. But if you really need access to an individual, specific object that exists on the other side of a barrier, that's the way to go.

You don't always need to talk to the original object; sometimes you want to get your own copy locally and talk to that thing. Web services, for example, often serialize objects and send them across a wire to be reconstituted on the client side. You do not want to talk to the original object back on the server; the server might have a million people to serve. 

Or consider what happens to an exception object thrown across an appdomain boundary. Does it really matter whether you can talk to the original object? No -- all you need to do is extract the information from it, so it doesn't matter if you have a copy.

I'm no big expert on .NET Remoting though, and this just touches the surface of this fascinating subject. I've recently acquired Ingo Rammer's book, which looks quite fine but I haven't had a chance to sit down and read through it yet.


Mike Dimmick pointed out something that I should have noted. What I'm describing here is not really “Marshal By Ref vs Serialization”. I'm describing “Marshal By Ref vs Marshal By Value”. Serialization is how we implement Marshal By Value. 

This is an important distinction because serialization is useful for more than just marshaling an object by value across a boundary. For example, it is also useful for persistence. If you have an object in memory and you'd like to save it to disk, then being able to serialize that thing into a byte array is darn handy. 

In keeping with our ridiculous analogy, you save your memories and DNA to disk, but rather than shipping the disks to Seattle, you put the box of disks in a closet and vaporize yourself (with a Molecular Vapor-O-Matic). When someone wants to talk to you again, they get the box of disks out of the closet and reconstitute you as in the MBV scenario. This time the barrier the object is crossing is the time barrier of it's own death! 

I saw a movie about that once, starring the governor of California. Funny how life turns out, eh?

In other news, I recall that a while back the Wordzguy wrote a blog entry about various slang terms for serialize/deserialize. Dehydrate/rehydrate is fairly common. I offered up freeze-dry/rehydrate, and another reader pointed out that those wacky Python programmers are fond of pickle/unpickle.


  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    Off topic but...
    Give us more SimpleScript!!! No Pressure
    Also could you integrate into ATL Server=)

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    I'm still working on it little by little, but I don't have much time to spend on it lately. We've got to ship Visual Studio at some point here you know...

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    That's brilliant Eric.

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    Quite a captivating way of explaining things! Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    This Eric Lippert guy is quite funny sometimes, go check out his explanation of the difference between MarshalByRef and Serializable. Made me laugh, and I understood it too.. Marshal-by-ref versus Serializable Objects...

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2004
    This is simply brilliant. Do you have any idea of how many times I've tried to explain the concept of serialization to those who don't know, only to fall flat on my face? BRILLIANT.

    (of course, coming from "the Man", I suppose that's what I should have expected :)

    I for one would love to hear more on this topic (as well as the JScript.NET is Serializable); SimpleScript is interesting, but this is a bit more practical ;)

    Do you have a link to the book you've mentioned?

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2004
    I hope that when you insert the disk into the Molecular Neuron Refrobnicator you get a nice "The memories you are about to implant could be those of an axe-murderer. Are you sure you want to continue?"-type popup.

  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2004
    Could be, "....axe-murderer. Are you sure you don't have an axe nearby?"

    Or something like, "This sytem has been thoroughly tested in the usability labs but we take no liabilities, implied or otherwise, of the results."

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2004
    The only problem I have with this otherwise good analogy is that it makes marshal-by-value seem more complicated than marshal-by-ref. While in the physical world this is often true (it can be very difficult to build and send an exact duplicate of some object) in the virtual world it's often the reverse.

    Anyway "The only parameter passing mechanism endorsed by Real Programmers is call-by-value-return, as implemented in the IBM/370 Fortran G and H compilers"

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2004
    An excellent analogy how did you come up with it?

  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2004
    Beats me. What am I, a neuroscientist? Maybe read "Fluid Analogies" by Douglas Hofstadter if you want to understand how people come up with analogies.

  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2004
    Thanks, this was fun to read... and interesting.

  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2004
    sotto’s dev[b]log » Remoting - Marshal By Ref vs Marshal By Value

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Can a class have the [Serializable] attribute and be derived from MarshalByRef?

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Can a clone take a phone call?

    Sure, why not?

  • Anonymous
    September 06, 2004
    TrackBack From:

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Man...that was some explanation...really Awesome!!!

  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2007
    Wasn't that movie "The sixth day"?

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 08, 2007
    Hi Eric It was very simple, clear and useful story! thanks

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2008
    I couldn't have understood this better.. amazing !!!

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2008
    Sometimes you need to load an assembly for use or inspection.  The problem is that loading an assembly

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2009
    awesome analogies... cannot be erased forever

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2009
    I am continually suprised that "professional" developers don't understand this. "By Value" and "By Reference" are basic concepts that exist in almost every language (VB, C++, etc.) and are the inherent decision point in .NET when deciding if you declare a class or a struct...... You are either working with the original (single) object or you are working with a copy (there can be many). Yet as soon at his moves into "communications" environments (even between AppDomains), then people seem to forget (or ignore) all of the basics........

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2009
    Amazin article !! Could any one explain in which case we would need MarshalByRef model across netword ? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2009
    Amazin article !! Could any one explain in which case we would need MarshalByRef model across network ? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    October 16, 2009
    Zorex, you are (effectively) using MarshalByRef anytime you use a SOAP webservice! Consider a simple "Vote" class: class Vote {   void VoteForA();   void VoidForB()   int AVotes();   int BVotes(); } There is ONE instance of this class on the server. If you Marshal by value, place a vote and then look at the counts, you will see 1 and 0 (just your vote) - simply because you are looking at YOUR copy. If you Marhal by Reference, place a SINGLE vote and then look at the counts, you will se the results of EVERYONE who have voted.

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2011
    Thanks. Was fun reading.