Looking inside a double

Occasionally when I'm debugging the compiler or responding to a user question I'll need to quickly take apart the bits of a double-precision floating point number. Doing so is a bit of a pain, so I've whipped up some quick code that takes a double and tells you all the salient facts about it. I present it here, should you have any use for it yourself. (Note that this code was built for comfort, not speed; it is more than fast enough for my purposes so I've spent zero time optimizing it.)

To understand the format of a double and why it is the way it is, see my earlier articles on the subject.

This code uses the Rational class from the Microsoft Solver Foundation; you can download the code from here if you haven't got it already. There are some handy tools in there! In this particular case I needed a type that could represent a rational number of arbitrarily high precision. Building your own naive implementation of rationals is very straightforward, particularly if you already have a BigInteger type to be the numerator and denominator. But why re-invent the wheel?

The action of the code below is extremely straightforward. I make a struct that turns a 64 bit double into a 64 bit unsigned integer, since it is easier to get the bits out of an integer. I then build a bunch of tiny little extension methods that make it easier to work with bits, with rationals, and so on, so that the mainline code does not become an awful mess. I hate seeing bit twiddling in mainline code, you know what I mean?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Common;

class Program
static void Main()
double original = -256.325;
MyDouble d = original;

Console.WriteLine("Raw sign: {0}", d.Sign);
Console.WriteLine("Raw exponent: {0}", d.ExponentBits.Join());
Console.WriteLine("Raw mantissa: {0}", d.MantissaBits.Join());

var signchar = d.Sign == 0 ? '+' : '-';

if (d.Exponent == 0 && d.Mantissa == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Zero: {0}0", signchar);
else if (d.Exponent == 0x7ff && d.Mantissa == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Infinity: {0}Infinity", signchar);
else if (d.Exponent == 0x7ff)

bool subnormal = d.Exponent == 0;
var two = (Rational)2;
var fraction = subnormal ? Rational.Zero : Rational.One;
var adjust = subnormal ? 1 : 0;
for (int bit = 51; bit >= 0; --bit)
fraction += d.Mantissa.Bit(bit) * two.Exp(bit - 52 + adjust);
fraction = fraction * two.Exp(d.Exponent - 1023);
if (d.Sign == 1)
fraction = -fraction;

Console.WriteLine(subnormal ? "Subnormal" : "Normal");
Console.WriteLine("Sign: {0}", signchar);
Console.WriteLine("Exponent: {0}", d.Exponent - 1023);
Console.WriteLine("Exact binary fraction: {0}.{1}", subnormal ? 0 : 1, d.MantissaBits.Join());
Console.WriteLine("Nearest approximate decimal: {0}", original);
Console.WriteLine("Exact rational fraction: {0}", fraction.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Exact decimal fraction: {0}", fraction.ToDecimalString());

struct MyDouble
private ulong bits;
public MyDouble(double d)
this.bits = (ulong)BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(d);

public int Sign
return this.bits.Bit(63);

public int Exponent
return (int)this.bits.Bits(62, 52);

public IEnumerable<int> ExponentBits
return this.bits.BitSeq(62, 52);

public ulong Mantissa
return this.bits.Bits(51, 0);

public IEnumerable<int> MantissaBits
return this.bits.BitSeq(51, 0);

public static implicit operator MyDouble(double d)
return new MyDouble(d);

static class Extensions
public static int Bit(this ulong x, int bit)
return (int)((x >> bit) & 0x01);

public static ulong Bits(this ulong x, int high, int low)
x <<= (63 - high);
x >>= (low + 63 - high);
return x;

public static IEnumerable<int> BitSeq(this ulong x, int high, int low)
for(int bit = high; bit >= low; --bit)
yield return x.Bit(bit);

public static Rational Exp(this Rational x, int y)
Rational result;
Rational.Power(x, y, out result);
return result;

public static string ToDecimalString(this Rational x)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
x.AppendDecimalString(sb, 50000);
return sb.ToString();

public static string Join<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq)
return string.Concat(seq);


  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2011
    Why not use BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits? Because I didn't know there was any such method. Your idea has great merit and will be implemented immediately. Thanks! -- Eric

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2011
    You don't distinguish the two types of NaN (quiet and signalling)... is that because there's no way to get an SNaN into the variable "original"?

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2011
    You DO bit-twiddling in the main-code: ... d.Exponent == 0x7ff && d.Mantissa == 0 better convert  it to a method of myDouble: bool IsInfinite {    get { return this.Exponent == 0x7ff && this.Mantissa == 0;} } The sames goes for NaN, etc.

  • Anonymous
    October 05, 2011
    The weird thing is that there is a DoubleToInt64Bits method, but no SingleToInt32Bits method!