Slipstream SharePoint SP1 with Infrastructure Update for MOSS 2007 clean installs


During various engagements, I recommend now the integration of Infrastructure Update for any new fresh farms setup of SharePoint products (either WSS v3 or MOSS 2007). If applicable, of course, as it depends of customers’ scenarios and current installed base.

This is the best way to enable a good platform fixes and functionalities level to start with. It avoids a potentially painful upgrade task right from the beginning.

The only issue is that a “Slipstream” version of the product doesn’t exist (yet). Awaiting an official release, and promoting automated farms’ setup, I decided to build directly the (so far) missing binaries.

Here’s how to achieve this (I don’t cover support aspects):

· I start with an SP1 slipstream release of MOSS 2007. This can be downloaded using this post recommendation:  or through MSDN.

· Once the root binaries downloaded, I go for the Infrastructure Update. It’s located here:

· Now mixing those 2 parts is quite easy: follow the recommendations described in this TechNet article: Create an installation source that includes software updates for MOSS 2007 ( ).

After the theory, let’s practice! It’s always good to keep in shape ;-) :

· Download the release you want (mine will be x86, so file name is “OfficeServerwithSP1.exe” - 366,431 KB )

· Download the infrastructure update (x86 for MOSS 2007, so file name is “infrastructureupdateformicrosoftofficeservers-kb951297-fullfile-x86.exe” - 236,344 KB)

· Extract the MOSS 2007 with SP1 content to a HDD folder :

o Create the folders you want to work in (mine is c:\msdn, named %workfolder% )

o Copy the 2 downloaded exe files in this folder

o Extract MOSS 2007 launching:

“%workfolder%\OfficeServerwithSP1.exe /extract:%workfolder%\MOSSwSP1

MOSS with SP1 binaries extraction

o Here you are!


· Extract the Infrastructure Update content to another folder

o Launch: “%workfolder%\infrastructureupdateformicrosoftofficeservers-kb951297-fullfile-x86.exe /extract:%workfolder%\IUx86”

o Accept License agreement (check the box and click continue button) :

MOSS 2007 Infrastructure Updates License screen 

Note: you can remove this screen adding “ /quiet” to the previous command line

o You’re all set:

MOSS 2007 Infrastructure Updates binaries extraction


· Copy the content of the folder “ %workfolder%\IUx86” in the folder “ %workfolder%\MOSSwSP1\Updates


· Rename “MOSSwSP1” folder to “MOSSwSP1andIU” folder (or whatever you want)


· You can now use this location (MOSSwSP1andIU folder) as an installation point, or you can create an image (ISO or UIF) of this source that you can burn to a CD-ROM/mount in Virtual Machines/mount in CD emulators


· To start MOSS 2007 setup, launch “ %workfolder%\MOSSwSP1andIU\setup.exe


Note: this technique is fully applicable to Windows SharePoint Services v3


Prepare good setups and leverage this with scripted installs ;-)


Post Scriptum:

I recently used the ISO built through this tutorial on a Hyper-V virtualized server. Everything worked fine, but you must know its quite long to run:

Scripted install with fully slipstreamed MOSS 2007 binaries

Guidance on these processes can be found here:

· Updates Resource Center for SharePoint Products and Technologies :

· Install the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers :

· Create an installation source that includes software updates for MOSS 2007 :

· Deploy software updates for MOSS 2007:

· Distribute product updates for the 2007 Office system :


  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2009
    Hi, Few months ago, I posted a little step-by-step tutorial to generate an ISO file to have a “ready