UAG is a Berliner – Meet Us in Tech·Ed Europe 2009


Tech·Ed Europe 2009 in Berlin is just around the corner!

For those attending the conference, there will be two UAG sessions, and a hands-on lab, as follows:

  • Technical session SIA306 – Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway: DirectAccess and Beyond, Tue 11/10, 10:45-12:00, Europa 1 - Hall 7-3b
  • Technical session SIA04-IS – Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway: More Secure Access for SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM from Virtually Anywhere, Thu 11/12, 13:30-14:45, Interactive Theatre 6 – Pink
  • Hands-on lab SIA27-HOL – Unified Access Gateway (UAG) and Direct Access: Better Together

In these sessions we will unveil and explain the cool and powerfull new features of UAG 2010 along with detailed demos. We’ll also have a stand in the Security, Identity, and Access zone at the Technical Learning Center (TLC) . Come along to ask questions and get more information.

If you are members of the UAG community and will be attending Tech·Ed, please let us know that you are attending by sending us an e-mail with your contact details using this blog e-mail form.

Thanks! We look forward to seeing you

Meir Mendelovich on behalf of the UAG product group


  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2009
    hi guy´s im also there and i WILL visit your sessions! kind regards joerg