Distributed Services: Notes from the field

One Stop for Windows Communication Foundation, Microsoft Distributed Services and Com+ Solutions

Reading/Understanding - Signed Soap Envelopes

Hope this help in understanding/reading the signed soap envelopes !

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 04/24/2014

COM+ application recycling

Clarifying answers to some questions. -is there any know issues with application recycling,...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 04/10/2014

More on User Profile Service functionality

We might get into a situation where an application starts failing because of User Profile Service...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 03/25/2014

Distributed Services Webinar: Explore Function pointers and vtables

Explore Function pointers and vtables March 27th, 2014 4PM - 5:30PM Indian Standard Time Click here...

Author: AmitBhatia Date: 03/19/2014

Distributed Services Webinar: Demystify WCF Troubleshooting

Demystify WCF Troubleshooting February 28th, 2014 4PM - 5:30PM Indian Standard Time Click here to...

Author: AmitBhatia Date: 02/20/2014

IIS: How to Reduce Multiple Authentication or Multiple 401 while using Kerberos for authentication

Problem: While using Kerberos protocol for authentication on IIS; for every single request that...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 02/11/2014

WCF: REST WCF Integration with HTML 5 and Windows 8 Store Applications

Issue: I happen to work with this customer where they required to consume the REST WCF service...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 02/11/2014

Distributed Services Webinar: Overview on Encryption and Signing concept in SSL and WCF

Overview on Encryption and Signing in WCF February 11, 2014 4PM - 5:30PM Indian Standard Time Click...

Author: AmitBhatia Date: 02/05/2014

WCF: Discover In WCF World

What is service identity in WCF WSDL ? For normal basicHttpBinding we use one directional...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 01/13/2014

IErrorInfo object is getting cleared in the client process before the client thread retrieves it.

IErrorInfo is an OLE DB interface. It is defined in automation and returns the error message,...

Author: shmisra Date: 12/14/2013

COM: Cannot register a COM DLL using ATL::CComModule::RegisterServer()

Issue: Cannot register a COM DLL using ATL::CComModule::RegisterServer()If you are using a COM DLL...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 12/11/2013

Creating a private key exportable, code signing digital signature certificate

If you have set up certificate services or CA then you can create such a PKCS request and send it to...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 10/28/2013

CommunicationState Enumeration

Communication state defines the states in which a communication-oriented object can exist. These...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 10/28/2013

_bstr_t objects

A _bstr_t object encapsulates the BSTR data type. The class manages resource allocation and...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 10/25/2013

How to get JavaScript working using Callback with COM

Imagine you have a scenario wherein you want your COM Server to be called within JavaScript which...

Author: Melissa MSFT Date: 10/01/2013

WCF: Callback operations are invoked sequentially ?

Scenario: Client application invokes a Duplex WCF service, and WCF service can invoke multiple...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 09/18/2013


WCF: INTEROP Pushpa Yadav (Microsoft India GTSC)...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 07/11/2013

WCF: Observing Message ProtectionOrder

WCF: Observing Message ProtectionOrder Objective 1: Impact of Protection Order Objective 2: How to...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 05/07/2013

WCF: Dual Layer Encryption (Message + Transport)

WCF: Dual Layer Encryption (Message + Transport) What I want to do ? I want to encrypt the Message...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 05/03/2013

Live Debugging - Manage Code

Live Debugging - Manage Code Introduction: We will learn how to use windbg to perform Live debugging...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 04/18/2013

WCF: Debugging WCF Throttling

Behavior: w3wp process stops responding to the incoming request and recycling app pool fixes the...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 01/23/2013

WCF: Transport Layer Security - with client certificates

WCF-Transport Layer Security - with client certificates Requiremnt: HTTPS/SSL Channel Authentication...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 11/23/2012

WCF: Handling multiple IIS bindings

WCF: Handling multiple IIS bindings - This collection already contains an address with scheme http...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 11/21/2012

WCF: Transport Security with User Name + Client Certificate

WCF: Transport Security with User Name + Client Certificate Vast world of WCF provides endless...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 09/14/2012

WCF: Learning Impersonation and Delegation

Configure DC: Please follow link to configure your domain controller....

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 08/28/2012

CngKey.Import() throws an exception saying “An internal error occurred” when importing a key-blob under a non-admin user from a WCF web service

This was a typical error reported by a customer on Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5. I created a...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 08/17/2012

COMException (0x800a01ad): ActiveX component can't create object

While troubleshooting an issue with a customer I found this error from an ASP.Net page while trying...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 08/17/2012

WCF: Troubleshooting Socket Abort Error

WCF: Troubleshooting Socket Abort Error...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 08/16/2012

Error 0x8013101b when doing a registration free COM activation

Jenfeng’s blog discusses in details about registration free COM/ .Net interop. Please see...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 08/10/2012

WCF: Create client proxy – For WCF service running on SSL – with client certificate

WCF: Create client proxy – For WFC service Running On SSL – With Client Certificate...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 07/31/2012

WCF: Learning Impersonation

Learning Impersonation in WCF services What is Impersonation ? Ability of a thread to execute in a...

Author: Saurabh Somani Date: 07/31/2012


Melissa 21st March 2012 DTCPing is a very useful tool for initial troubleshooting of DTC. If there...

Author: Melissa Amanna Date: 03/21/2012

Enabling DTC Tracing via Component Services Console

Melissa Amanna 28 Feb 2012 Many a times, we need traces in order to find out what can be the issue...

Author: Melissa Amanna Date: 02/28/2012

WinDbg: search for a string

Just thought of sharing this.. To search for a string (“Error: 1002”) in memory, we run...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 02/21/2012

CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials return junk characters if you P/Invoke it from managed code on OS’s such as Spanish or French.

If you are using StringBuilder for passing in the username, password and domain name to...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 02/21/2012

Way to troubleshoot memory leak using performance monitor and UMDH

Please refer to support.microsoft.com/kb/268343 to know every detail about using UMDH and...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 02/21/2012

Is there a method in .Net to import a PFX file along with the certificate chain to a certificate store?

Though not directly related to distributed services but I see this information useful, especially...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 02/03/2012

How to get DTC working on Amazon Web Services.

Melissa Amanna 02/02/2011 Recently I had been working on a case where the customer was making use of...

Author: Melissa Amanna Date: 02/02/2012

Security Features for MSDTC

Melissa Amanna 19th January 2012 I have worked on a few MSDTC cases and found that customers are not...

Author: Melissa Amanna Date: 01/19/2012

AcquireCredentialsHandle() fails with SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS from a WCF application

If you get the SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS error from AcquireCredentialsHandle() from a WCF...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 01/10/2012

Exception from serializer.WriteObject()

The code below fails when the time zone is set to Berlin (+1:00) or beyond. DateTime Test = new...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 01/09/2012


The below code snip is self-explanatory. #ifdef _WIN64 #define IProcessDebugManager...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 01/06/2012

RTM Credential Providers - Issue with AddRef().

If you are using the RTM Credential Providers Sample for Windows Vista you might see that the...

Author: Shamik Mi - MSFT Date: 01/06/2012

Type Library Converter tool (TlbImp.exe) version 4.0.30319.1 changes any "false" Default Boolean arguments to "true"

The Type Library Converter tool (TlbImp.exe) version 4.0.30319.1 changes any "false" default...

Author: Levi Justus Date: 01/05/2012
