Project 2010 training and certification update for training partners
This video is the recording of the following event and is available on demand..
- Event Title: Microsoft Project 2010 Training Certification Partner Update
- Event Date: May 26, 2010
- Event Start Time: 9:00 am Pacific
- Event End Time: 10:00 am Pacific
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New Project 2010 Train & Learn site overview
- A look at worldwide search – geography, language, and more
- What are the multiple content types such as: Books, ILTs, CBTs, and On-Demand
- The online content provider submission process
Validate training content as “certification ready”
- What is so important about those Objective Domains?
- Validating courseware against the Objective Domain
- Benefits of “Validation
Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) competency
- Why did it change and what does that mean?
- How does it affect Partner plans for the summer?
- When will Partners get to take advantage of the Logo Builder?
- What is the difference between competency and Advanced competency?
- Where can I find information relevant to me on this subject?