The Architecture Newsletter, May 2009

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The Architecture Journal

May 2009

SOA Call for Papers May 2009

SOA Keys for Success

Call for Papers

The 21st issue of the Architecture Journal will be devoted to SOA Keys for Success. While Cloud, Utility, and Green Computing trends emerge as probable candidates for the top of the enterprise IT agenda for the next decade, SOA undoubtedly has been the priority during this decade, and particularly during these five last years. The initial appeal of SOA came when the industry acknowledged how standards such as XML Web Services easily achieved decoupled levels of integration that were unseen on previous, complex attempts such as CORBA or COM. Then came the SOA rush, and a growing number of companies embarked on SOA projects while Web Services standards continued to evolve in order to close the gap in security, reliable messaging, and transactional integrity. Some years later, we can confirm that SOA has accomplished its promise of interoperability. But where SOA practitioners probably will disagree is on the total cost of ownership of this kind of project. We might find as many successful stories (on time, on budget, and straightforward) as not-so-successful stories (more expensive than projected, unforeseeable complexity, and so on). What are the factors that make the difference? We are calling for articles on: . SOA practices. Which ones determine the success-or failure-of a project? . SOA governance. Running, monitoring, versioning: How better to serve services? . To ESB or not to ESB. Angel or demon? When to consider it a fundamental piece? What about it should you get rid of? . From object to services. Considerations to guarantee separation of concerns after shifting paradigms. . Enhanced SOA. How alternative, complementary approaches such as Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), REST protocols, service virtualization, and others are helping SOA traverse the last mile of integration. . SOA and The Cloud. What SaaS, S+S, and related emerging delivery models have to offer to an in-house SOA investment. If you have ideas on these topics that you would like to share with the architecture community, this is your chance! To submit an idea for an article, please send the following before June 11, 2009: . An abstract of between two and four paragraphs that explains what the reader will get from your article with regard to the "SOA Keys for Success" theme of the issue. If you like, you may submit on an alternative topic; we have published out-of-theme articles in the past. However, your chances of being selected might be lower. . A bio of between one and two paragraphs. . A list of your previously published articles, if any. Submissions should be made via e-mail to archjrnl\ (we receive many submissions for each issue, so we encourage you to put time and thought into your submission). After the call for articles has ended, everyone who has submitted an idea will be notified via e-mail as to whether their submission was successful or not. If it is accepted, your article must follow this schedule: . June 17. Acceptance notified. . July 8. First draft (possibly unfinished) is due. . July 22. Final draft is due.* . September 5. Your article and the Journal are ready and published. * We recommend that articles be between 2,500 and 3,500 words in length. We will ask you to sign a release form that gives Microsoft permission to reprint the article, although ownership of the article will remain with you. For more information, check out this link or contact us at archjrnl\ Good luck!

Architecture Resources: Editor's Choice


ALM: Download the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta

VSTS 2010 Architecture supports both Unified Modeling Language and Domain Specific Language, core part of the larger Microsoft modeling platform, which will also include the "Oslo" repository, tools and language.


[SOA World] The Five Pillars of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing requires a dynamic computing infrastructure - there are four other pillars, too.


Federated Identity: "Geneva" Beta 2 Released

"Geneva" is Microsoft's open platform for user access that helps companies simplify access to applications and other systems with an interoperable claims-based model.


[Visual Studio Magazine] Reaching for the Cloud?

It seems developers are either quite immersed in the technical underpinnings of Redmond's next-generation platform (Azure cloud services) or they're ambivalent about it.


Rich Internet Applications: .NET RIA Services

A framework that provides a pattern to write application logic that runs on the mid-tier and controls access to data for queries, changes and custom operations.


[infoQ] Virtual Service Oriented Grids

This article discusses virtualization, service orientation, and grid computing, and then shows how they are combining to create new design and deployment options.


SOA and BPM: BizTalk Server 2009 Ready

Enhancements and new features were introduced in four main areas: latest MS platforms, developer productivity and application life cycle management, agile SOA and end-to-end supply chain management.


[Java Developer's Journal] Application Grids

Doing more with less infrastructure.


Remote Server Administration for Windows 7

IT administrators can now manage roles and features that are installed on computers that are running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003, from a remote computer that is running Windows 7 RC. Extra: Will Windows 7 run in your desktops?


[Enterprise Systems] Outsourcing Status

Although outsourcing revenues increased by nearly 50 percent last year, experts predict slowing demand for outsourcing services in the first half of this year.


Get more resources at MSDN Architecture Center.

From Ideas to Real Implementation


Going Green TechNet Special Issue


Online Only: Earth Day TechNet Special Issue

Framework for Building a "Hyper-Green" Virtual Server System Planning Your Power Management and Virtualization Strategies Essential Tools for Planning Your Virtual Infrastructure Build a Green Datacenter ... and more!!


TechNet Magazine - May 2009


TechNet Magazine June: Application Compatibility

Providing Scalability for ASP.NET Applications Inside the Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 Planning Your Application Compatibility Project Automating Group Policy Management with Windows PowerShell ... and more!!



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