Microsoft Dynamics Convergence Atlanta 2010 - Day 4

David Meego - Click for blog homepageMicrosoft Dynamics Convergence 2010

The final day, Tuesday.  Mariano and I met up and had a late breakfast. Our session was the first concurrent session of the day and we were running a little late. Sadly, it meant that we missed the cool geeky Keynote speech from Kevin Schofield. It should be available from the Convergence site later.

After our breakfast and a little time to relax, it was time get set up for the repeat of our development related session, CSGPR28 - Microsoft Dynamics GP: Customization Tools Unravelled. We had a bit of time before the session, so Mariano and I had a chat with some of the attendees.  It is always great to get an understanding of the people that have come to see you and what their roles are and how much knowledge they have of your topic.

My great friend, Support Debugging Tool beta tester and Dexterity trainer, Leslie Vail, managed to escape from the Learning and Community hall where she is the "Hands On Labs Woman" for Dynamics GP to sit in on our session.

Leslie HOL Woman
Leslie Vail with cape and flashing pink cowgirl hat

The session went down very well, and showed how Dexterity, Modifier & VBA, Visual Studio Tools, Extender and SQL can all be used to create similar customisations using various methods.  Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses and the use of more than one tool can be the best way to complete the desired customisation.

After lunch, I sat in on Mark Polino's session Getting More Out of Microsoft Dynamics GP: 50 More Tips in 50 Minutes. Make sure you get his materials for both sessions (CSGP06 and CSGP07). If people complain that Mariano and my sessions run too quick and we try to cover too much, they need to see Mark in action.  Mark was also kind enough to give a little taste of what the Support Debugging Tool can do and then promote our session later in the day.

Finally, we get to the last time slot for the day and the repeat of our session CSGPR29 - Tools for Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP like the Pros. I was concerned that too many people had left before the end of the conference, but we had a reasonable turn out. The session was another huge success with spontaneous applause throughout.  Obviously, the Support Debugging Tool's features were able to resolve pain points for the Microsoft Dynamics GP administrators. But then again, that's why the features were written!!  Please keep the feedback coming as the tool will only get better.

Then it was over. The venue was empty. The Expo hall was gone. Conferences like this are always tiring because of the long days, but we also are getting a work out with the amount of walking we are doing.  The Georgia World Congress Center venue is huge and we are spending long time walking between the various halls and session rooms. I know that the User Group booth at the Expo was handing out pedometers.... I wonder what the maximum number of steps recorded was? Post your numbers as comments.

I will leave the conference with this thought.  The picture below sums up why a large proportion of the attendees were at Convergence. 

GP 2010 Coming Soon
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 coming soon

I finished the day with a goodbye dinner with friends at South City Kitchen. I was told I had to try authentic southern fried chicken before I left Atlanta. The food was great and the company better. The saddest part was saying goodbye.... until next conference.

Final Dinner
Sheila Jefferson-Ross, Catherine Jacobs, Jackie Smith, David Musgrave, Leslie Vail & Mariano Gomez

Stay tuned for a wrap up post with links to the materials for Mariano and my sessions.



  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2010
    We did have a terrific time and I was so glad to see you again after so many years.  Thanks for being such a great geek!  I say that with much admiration. Thanks, Sheila

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2010
    I had a great time attending your and Mariano's "Tools..." session.  I was so excited to see it in action!  The next time I saw my VAR at Convergence, I told him I needed the link - apparently one of his other customers had already found him and said the same thing!  It was a hit. Thanks a bunch. Stephanie

  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2010
    So, we'll see you in Atlanta again next year David? Bring that snazzy camera with you. Oh, and the debug tool Rocks! Been a life-saver for me.

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2010
    David, I do not know how I would get along without you being part of the Dynamics GP world. Thank you for all of your kind words. I had to copy your comments and put them in my 'feel good' file. I must attribute my pink flashing cowboy hat to Sheila Jefferson-Ross and Catherine Jacobs. It was quite a display with its LED lights flashing! Sheila and Catherine went shopping in Atlanta and found that wild hat for me. I made the capes myself (there were actually two different designs). I don't think I can ever outdo that hat! I am working on a new cape for the GPUG Summit, stay tuned! I look forward to seeing you as soon as I can! I'm hoping for Tech Conference in Fargo. No capes or hats in Fargo :) Leslie

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2010
    Hi Leslie.   Hopefully we will have details of a Tech Conference in Fargo soon.  However, I think a cape and hat is a requirement now. David PS: Thanks to Sheila and Catherine for finding the hat, but only you are mad enough to wear it in public.