Free Tools Added To PSTL 2010

Patrick Roth - Click for blog homepageToday's blog post is a public service announcement.

With the release of Dynamics 2010, the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) has been enhanced with the addition of previously free tools that were available from Professional Services.

This means that you no longer have to contact Professional Services for these applications, you can just load PSTL from the Dynamics GP 2010 DVD Image and use them in any company without registration keys.  Or you can use the Fabrikam, Inc. registration key (SMPE0102030405) as documented in the ProfServicesToolsLibrary.pdf so that you can play with the other tools in the demonstration company.

The applications that have made the move to PSTL are:

  • Update User Date - This application will roll the user date forward at midnight.  It acts like the built-in Dynamics GP update user date at midnight however it does not prompt to roll the date forward like Dynamics GP does.  You still need to add the Dex.ini switch SuppressChangeDateDialog=TRUE to suppress the out-of-the-box Dynamics GP functionality.
  • POP Cost Defaulter - This tool changes how the item cost in Purchase Order Entry is defaulted.  Normally the cost defaults to the Last Invoice Cost for the Vendor however with this utility you can have the cost default to either the Current Cost or Standard Cost for the item.
  • Default AddItem POP/SOP - In PO Entry and SOP Entry, the "Add Item" menu does not default as marked.  WIth this option enabled, the menu in both windows will default as marked.
  • Doc Date Verify - Validates whether a document date is outside of a created fiscal period or if that period is closed for several different window.  See PSTL documentation for the list of windows.
  • Decimal Place Tool - This was previously separate tools for Payables & Payroll combined into one.  The purpose of this tool is to the Check Amount in Words on checks to be truncated to two decimals if the company functional currency has been set to more than 2 decimal places.
  • Company Copy - This tool is a former Automated Solution now put into PSTL for convenience.  It allows you to copy a ton of tables & data from one company to the other.  See the PSTL documentation for the list of modules and tables this tool works with for details.

Best Regards,

Patrick Roth
Developer Support
