A Weekend at BarCampLondon5

Microsoft were one of the sponsors of last weekend’s BarCampLondon5, so I spend an very enjoyable time talking to a whole host of technical folk about all sorts of things, not all of them technical, but all very interesting :-)

If you have never been to a BarCamp before, which I hadn’t, check out the Wikipedia for some background information. BarCamp is really characterised as “All attendees are encouraged to present or facilitate a session. Everyone is also asked to share information and experiences of the event, both live and after the fact, via public web channels including (but not limited to) blogging , photo sharing , social bookmarking , wiki-ing

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As you can see from the photos, the participation grows organically, and can be very ad-hoc, and the sessions range from quite slick presentation to very informal discussions.

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If I had to pick a favourite session, which is hard, I think it would be the one on web design by Andy Budd, although I was impressed with moo and their new API.

Technorati Tags: barcamplondon5,moo,microsoft
