MSDN Event .NET Fx 3.0: A Full House and Sessions Locked Down

Since yesterday the MSDN Event on .NET Framework 3.0 Development - scheduled for September 25 - is sold out! Yes, that's 13 days before the start of the event and without any direct marketing actions taken to promote the event.

We announced the event on the MSDN Belux web site in the beginning of August and published it on some blogs. Add to that the blogs from our Belgian developer community and the MSDN Belux Flash and that's all what was needed to have a full house! I think we can be proud of this achievement. It's clear that the combination of reaching your audience, delivering great content (by excellent speakers) and meeting the expectations of the attendees over time are the key reasons behind this success.  

Together with the opening of the registration in the beginning of August, you could vote for the sessions to be delivered at the event. Today we closed the voting for the sessions. Below the sessions that will be delivered at the event:

  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): Creating Windows and Web Applications with WPF

Learn how to use Windows Presentation Foundation application-level primitives for data management, system interaction, hosting, and UI to create great client applications. See how to create both standalone client applications and rich browser applications that can take advantage of these services. Gain knowledge that will help you make application-level decisions, such as when your application should be hosted in the browser or a standalone window, whether or not to write a navigation-based application, and how to manage application data and settings for various scenarios.

Level 200: Intermediate

Speaker: Peter Himschoot

  • Windows CardSpace: Introduction

Password fatigue and online fraud is a growing problem and is shaking users' confidence in the safety and security of the Internet. Windows CardSpace (codenamed "Infocard") is a new technology from Microsoft that helps address the problem of managing and disclosing identity information. Windows CardSpace implements the core of the Identity Metasystem, using open standard protocols to securely negotiate, request and broker identity information between trusted identity providers and requestors. In this session, learn about the rationale behind the Identity Metasystem, Windows CardSpace and how technologies including the Windows Communication Foundation can help you easily integrate a secure, consistent identity infrastructure into your own applications, Web sites and Web services.

Level 200: Intermediate

Speaker: Peter Himschoot

  • Let's Communicate: Using Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) in .NET Applications

The Windows Communication Foundation is the unified platform for application-to-application communication in the .NET environment. In this session, you will learn how WCF fits into the big picture of service orientation and how you can leverage it for your distributed applications and service integration needs. You will see which role interoperability plays (hint: a big one!) and how WCF allows other means of interoperable web-service communication in addition to SOAP. If you've done previous work with COM+, Enterprise Services, ASP.NET Web services, MSMQ or .NET Remoting, this session will also allow you to see how WCF can cooperate and co-exist with your applications and how you can approach a migration if you decide to fully leverage the new platform.

Level 200: Intermediate

Speaker: Ingo Rammer

  • Windows Workflow Foundation (WF): Getting Comprehensive Workflow Support in your Applications

Whenever your application can not immediately and completely fulfill a users request - maybe because input of a second person or of another application is needed - you will usually have to implement some kind of workflow functionality. Instead of re-creating complete workflow engines from scratch, you can use Windows Workflow Foundation if you build your applications on .NET 3.0. In this session, you will learn about the basic building blocks of the Workflow Foundation and you you can include it in your applications. You will learn about different kinds of workflows, their activities, the persistence of workflows and the integration with custom application functionality. Oh and did we mention, that even the graphical workflow designer can of course be included in your applications and can be redistributed for free?

Level 200: Intermediate

Speaker: Ingo Rammer

  • "Stateful Services: WF and WCF Together At Last"

Web service communication is quite often used to initiate longer running business transactions. In these cases, your applications will usually have to track the state of - possible multiple - outgoing requests and correlate the responses. Hard-coded creation of sequential or state-based web service interactions can however be a rather painful task. In this session, Ingo Rammer will show you how you can use Windows Communication Foundation together with Windows Workflow Foundation to support longer running business transactions spanning multiple service and user interactions in a consistent and simple way.

Level 300: Advanced

Speaker: Ingo Rammer

The overall agenda and timings can be found on the event page of the MSDN.BE web site.

The results of the voting show that the attendees expect more than only a technical overview of the new .NET Framework 3.0 technologies. These introductionary sessions were already delivered at previous events like Dev & IT-Pro Days, ISV Community Days, etc. At our next events (MSDN Evenings, Dev & IT-Pro Days 2007, etc) we will be delivering even more in-depth content. By that time more people will also have practical experience with the technologies as everybody will have access to the RTM version ot .NET Fx 3.0.

I'm sure Peter & Ingo will do a great job in delivering high quality content! See you there!

Tags: Microsoft, MSDN Belux, Community, Windows Vista, .NET 3.0, WPF, WCF, WF, CardSpace