
Welcome to the DataWorks team blog. If you’re a regular on our MSDN site https://msdn.microsoft.com/data, the public newsgroups or follow Angel’s or Sushil’s blogs you’ve already run across some of the folks from this team. We wanted to create this team blog to create an informal channel so more members of the team can easily share what’s going on with the technologies they work on. Hopefully you’ll find the information interesting and you’ll take the time to give us your feedback. 

Let me start by telling you a little about the DataWorks team. (You probably don’t recognize the name because it’s an internal team name and not a product name.) We’re the team responsible for Microsoft’s data access technologies. Right now, we’re working on updates to ADO.Net, MDAC (ADO, OLEDB, ODBC) and our SQL JDBC driver. (Did you know that MS has a JDBC driver for SQL – works on Unix too!) We’re also hard at work adding Web Services support to the next version of SQL Server and we’re continuing to support and maintain technologies like DAO, DBLIB and ESQL (at least for a little while longer). 

As for me, I’m Alyssa Henry and I’m the Product Unit Manager for this team. I’ve been working on data access at Microsoft since 1996 when I joined the data team as a PM for DAO. I went on to design and ship the first versions of ADOX, ADOMD, JRO, SQLOLEDB and Oracle OLE DB and then subsequently managed the team responsible for the design and development of all of MDAC, ADO.Net, JDBC and SQL Server protocols. Prior to joining the data team I spent a number of years both within MS and in the industry as a developer building line of business applications. I’ve stayed in this team for almost 9 years now because I love the team and the technology. I’m looking forward to sharing more about the team and our technologies through this blog.

Thanks for reading and welcome to our blog!

Alyssa Henry
Product Unit Manager - Dataworks Team


  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2005
    Looking forward to see what you guys share with us.

    I've been following Angel's blog for a while, he's posted some fantastic stuff, been really usefull when writing about ADO.NET 2.0.
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2005
    Oh man .. I had been waitin' for this for a while now !!

    This is like the mostest bestest blog around.

    I'm subscribed !!
  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Phil/Sahil, Welcome to the blog. We have interesting stuff coming up, so stay posted.
  • Anonymous
    October 13, 2005
    I wrote an MDAC article on Wikipedia. Figure you might be interested:


  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2006
    Why is there not a single substantive mention of ADOX in all of blogs.msdn.com?  What are MS's plans to fulfill on ADO's advertised functionality in ADO.NET?

    I apologize for my tone.  I am just a "little" peaved after discovering this morning that ADOX is miserably supported even in Microsoft's own OLE DB provider implementations for SQL2K and Oracle, a fact that is not made clear on the Data Access home page but is buried in a couple KB articles.  

    From the outside, ADOX looks like a failed project, one that never should have been released or only released as part of an MS Access SDK.

    SQL DDL is one of the few Towers of Babel left in IT.  How about doing something about it?