Configure your server to host RIA Service app using Windows Authentication

If you are using the WCF RIA Services PDC bits and your app is using windows authentication with ASP.NET built-in user management system, make sure you do the following steps to your hosting server:

1. Open IIS manager, browse to the vitual directory of your app, disable all other authentication modes except Windows Authentication mode

2. Set the application pool identity to NETWORK SERVICE

3. Browse to the physical folder for your app, make NETWORK SERVICE have full control over that folder



  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2010
    Hi, good point but this is not working to me.. I am setting this on my local IIs7... My doubt is on point 1: 1. Open IIS manager, browse to the vitual directory of your app, disable all other authentication modes except Windows Authentication mode I understand that is to configure authentication on the IIS, disable everything (Anonymous and Forms authentication) and enable ASP.NET Impersonation... is this correct? Thanks!