HIV related papers
I previously mentioned the release of the BioTools by David Heckerman and Carl Kadie from MSR - here's 3 papers that utilize that work.
The first and third are advances in HIV vaccine design. The second is an advance in identifying genotype-phenotype correlations for personalized medicine.
- Z. Brumme, C. Brumme, D. Heckerman, B. Korber, M. Daniels, J. Carlson, C. Kadie, T. Bhattacharya, C. Chui, T. Mo, R. Hogg, J. Montaner, N. Frahm, C. Brander, B. Walker, P. Harrigan. HLA class-I-associated polymorphisms in HIV-1 identified through a genetic association approach correlate with clinical markers of disease progression. PLoS Pathogens, 3(7): e94, July 2007.
- J. Carlson, C. Kadie, S. Mallal, and D. Heckerman. Leveraging hierarchical population structure in discrete association studies. PLoS ONE, 2(7): e591, July 2007.
- D. Nickle, M. Rolland, M. Jensen, S. Pond, W. Deng, M. Seligman, D. Heckerman, J. Mullins, and N. Jojic. Coping with viral diversity in HIV vaccine design, PLoS Computational Biology, 3(4): e75, April 2007.