The Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Administration Guide: PowerShell Supplement

The Untold Story!


A few weeks ago the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Administration Guide suddenly appeared in the Microsoft Download Center. So what's wrong with the Administration Guide? Well, to tell you the truth, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Administration Guide; as it turns out, the Guide is chock-full of really good, very practical information used for managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Need to know how to configure a file transfer filter? It's in the Guide. Need to know how to configure a voice route for outbound calls? It's in the Guide. Need to know how to delete a Call Park Orbit? It's – well, yes: it's in the Guide. The truth is, we think the Administration Guide is so useful that everyone should stop whatever they're doing and download a copy right now.


And yes, we do mean everyone. Go ahead; we'll wait.


Um, we're still waiting on that one guy in Iowa. You know who you are.


OK, that's better. Like we said, the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Administration Guide is chock-full of useful information about Lync Server management. However (and you knew there had to be a “however” sooner or later, didn't you?) there is one thing that's missing from the Administration Guide: Lync Server PowerShell commands. Granted, there are a handful of commands scattered throughout the Guide, but those are primarily commands used for tasks (such as configuring an Address Book server) that can't be done using the Lync Server Control Panel. For most management activities (creating an archiving policy, removing a dial-in conferencing access number, putting a domain on the list of blocked domains) the Guide provides step-by-step instructions for performing the task using the Control Panel, but doesn't let you know how (or even if) you can do the same thing using Lync Server PowerShell.


Which, now that you mention it, is exactly why we've put together this supplement to the Administration Guide. What we've done is gone through the Administration Guide (all 287 pages!), identified all the tasks that don't include a PowerShell option, and, well, provided a PowerShell option. For example, the Administration Guide offers these steps for locking a Lync Phone Edition phone:


1. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server Administration Tools.

2. Click Clients, and then click Device Configuration.

3. On the Device Configuration tab, in the list of device configurations, double-click the configuration for which you want to change the phone lock settings.

4. In the Edit Device Configuration dialog box, verify that the Enforce device locking check box is selected.

5. In Minimum PIN length, accept the default value or specify a new value.

6. In Phone lock time-out, accept the default value or specify a new value.

7. Click Commit.


To supplement those instructions, we've offered the a Lync Server PowerShell equivalent:


Set-CsUCPhoneConfiguration -Identity global –EnforcePhoneLock $True –PhoneLockTimeout 00:30:00


Thanks; we thought that was kind of useful, too.


Like we said, we consider this to be a supplement to the Administration Guide; it's definitely not a replacement for the Guide. The Administration Guide includes a lot of useful information that explains what phone locking is and why you might want to use it. We don't offer any of that kind of information; we just provide you with a one-sentence introduction and then a PowerShell command that shows you how to do something along the lines of enabling phone locking.


To tell you the truth, the ideal way to do things here would be to download the Administration Guide, then copy our PowerShell commands and paste them into the appropriate sections in that Guide. That way you'd have the best of both worlds: all the explanatory information and Control Panel steps found in the Guide, and all the PowerShell commands found here. What could be better than that?


Well, OK, sure: having us combine the two probably would be better, wouldn't it? For better or worse, however, that's not a decision that we’re authorized to make. Which means that, for now, you're kind of on your own.


Note. What's that? Can we give you an example of a decision that we are authorized to make? No. But if ever do get authorized to make one, we'll let you know.


In the meantime, here's a very long list of the management tasks discussed in the Administration Guide, along with links to their PowerShell equivalents:


Edit or Configure Simple URLs     


Managing Users      

Search for Lync Server 2010 Users     

Add a New User to Lync Server 2010  

Enable or Disable Users for Lync Server 2010 

Set, View, and Send a User's Dial-in Conferencing PIN         

Move Users to Another Pool     

Assign Policies to Users  

Assign a Conferencing Policy to Modify a User's Default Meeting Experience    

Specify Client Versions Supported for Sign-in by a User  

Assign Specific Dial-in Conferencing PIN Security Settings to a User      

Apply External User Access Policies to Users        

Configure Archiving of a User's Communications  

Assign a Location Policy to a User   

Presence Policy Settings     

Enable Users for Enterprise Voice       

Configure Telephony for Users  


Managing Computers in Your Topology

View a List of Computers Running Lync Server 2010  

View the Status of Services Running on a Computer  

View Details About a Service    

Start or Stop Lync Server 2010 Services       

Prevent Sessions for Services  

View Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) Server Applications

Enable or Disable a Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) Server Application 

Mark a Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) Application as Critical or Not Critical

View a List of Trusted Applications      

View the Simple URL Details


Filtering Instant Messages and Client Versions           

Configuring Filtering for Instant Messaging (IM)        

Modify the Default File Transfer Filter  

Create a New File Transfer Filter for a Specific Site   

Modify the Default URL Filter    

Create a New URL Filter to Handle Hyperlinks in IM Conversations   

Specify Client Versions Supported for Sign-in by a User       


Configuring Voice Routing

Configuring Dial Plans and Normalization Rules

Create a Dial Plan    

Modify a Dial Plan    

Defining Normalization Rules

Create or Modify a Normalization Rule by Using Build a Normalization Rule      

Create or Modify a Normalization Rule Manually   

Configuring Voice Policies, PSTN Usage Records, and Voice Routes  

Configuring Voice Policies and PSTN Usage Records to Authorize Calling Features and Privileges       

Create a Voice Policy and Configure PSTN Usage Records

Modify a Voice Policy and Configure PSTN Usage Records

View PSTN Usage Records   

Configuring Voice Routes for Outbound Calls        

Create a Voice Route

Modify a Voice Route

Configuring Trunks and Translation Rules       

Configure Media Bypass on a Trunk

Configure a Trunk Without Media Bypass   

Defining Translation Rules   

Create or Modify a Translation Rule by Using the Build a Translation Rule Tool  

Create or Modify a Translation Rule Manually       

Exporting and Importing Voice Routing Configuration  

Export a Voice Route Configuration File     

Import a Voice Route Configuration File    

Test Voice Routing        

Create a Voice Routing Test Case   

Export Voice Routing Test Cases    

Import Voice Routing Test Cases    

Running Voice Routing Tests 105

Run Informal Voice Routing Tests   

Run Voice Routing Test Cases        

Publish Pending Changes to the Voice Routing Configuration  


Configuring Incoming Call Handling Features  

Configure Phone Number Extensions for Parking Calls

Create a Call Park Orbit Range      

Change a Call Park Orbit Range     

Delete a Call Park Orbit Range       

Configure Routing of Unassigned Phone Numbers      

Create an Unassigned Number Range       

Change an Unassigned Number Range      

Delete an Unassigned Number Range       


Managing Response Groups         

Managing Agent Groups 

Create an Agent Group       

Change Agent Group Settings or Members 

Delete an Agent Group       

Managing Response Group Queues      

Create a Response Group Queue    

Change a Response Group Queue   

Delete a Response Group Queue    

Managing Response Group Workflows  

Create a Response Group Workflow

Create a Hunt Group Workflow      

Create an Interactive Workflow     

Change a Response Group Workflow        

Change a Hunt Group Workflow     

Change an Interactive Workflow    

Delete a Response Group Workflow


Managing On-Premises Meetings           

Configuring Conferencing Settings       

Modify the Default Conferencing User Experience 

Create or Modify Conferencing User Experience for a Site or Group of Users   

Delete a Conferencing Policy for a Site or Group of Users

Configuring the Meeting Join Experience    

Modify the Default Meeting Join Experience    

Create or Modify Meeting Join Settings for a Site or Pool 

Delete Meeting Join Settings for a Site or Pool     

Configure Settings for a Dial-in Conferencing Access Number

Create or Modify a Dial-in Conferencing Access Number  

Delete a Dial-in Conferencing Access Number      

Configure Dial-in Conferencing Personal Identification Number (PIN) Rules  

Modify the Default Dial-in Conferencing PIN Settings      

Create or Modify Dial-in Conferencing PIN Settings for a Site or Group of Users        

Delete Dial-in Conferencing PIN Settings for a Site or Group of Users   


Configuring Support for Clients and Devices    

Specify the Client Versions Supported in Your Organization   

View the Status of Services Running on a Computer  

Modify the Default Action for Clients Not Explicitly Supported or Restricted 

View Software Updates for Devices in Your Organization      

Add a Device to Test Update Functionality      

Modify Settings for Log Files of Device Update Activity        

Configure Security Settings for Lync 2010 Phone Edition      

Configure Voice Quality of Service for Lync 2010 Phone Edition  

Configure Phone Lock for Lync 2010 Phone Edition


Managing External Connectivity  

Enable or Disable External User Access for Your Organization

Enable or Disable Remote User Access for Your Organization     

Enable or Disable Federation for Your Organization         

Enable or Disable Anonymous User Access for Your Organization

Manage Communications with External Users  

Manage Remote User Access         

Manage Federated Partner Access  

Configure Policies to Control Federated User Access       

Enable or Disable Discovery of Federation Partners        

Control Access by Individual Federated Domains  

Enable or Disable Sending an Archiving Disclaimer to Federated Partners        

Manage IM Provider Support

Configure Policies to Control Access by Users of IM Service Providers   

Specify Supported IM Service Providers    

Configure Conferencing Policies to Support Anonymous Users    

Apply Policies for External User Access to Users   

Apply External User Access Policies to Users        

Apply Conferencing Policies to Support Anonymous Users

Reset or Delete External User Access Policies      

Delete a Site or User Policy for External User Access      

Reset the Global Policy for External User Access  


Managing Monitoring         

Create a Site Policy for Call Detail Recording   

Create a Site Policy for Quality of Experience 

Enable Call Detail Recording      

Enable Quality of Experience    

Configure Call Detail Recording 

Configure Quality of Experience

Delete a Site Policy for Call Detail Recording   

Delete a Site Policy for Quality of Experience  


Managing Archiving

Configuring Support for Archiving of Internal and External Communications

Change the Global Policy for Archiving of Internal and External Communications         

Create a Site Policy for Archiving   

Enable or Disable Archiving for a Site       

Create a User Policy for Archiving  

Enable or Disable Archiving for Users       

Delete an Archiving Policy   

Apply an Archiving Policy to a User or User Group

Enable or Disable Archiving      

Specify the Types of Communications To Be Archived

Enable or Disable Purging for Archiving

Block or Allow IM and Web Conferencing Sessions If Archiving Fails 

Enable or Disable Sending an Archiving Disclaimer to Federated Partners    


Configuring Security          

Create a New Registrar 

Modify an Existing Registrar     

Delete a Registrar         

Create a New Web Service      

Modify an Existing Web Service 

Delete a Web Service    

Create a New PIN Policy

Modify an Existing PIN Policy    

Delete a PIN Policy        


Configuring Your Network           

Enabling Call Admission Control 

Enabling Media Bypass   

Configuring Location Policy       

Configuring Bandwidth Policy Profile    

Configuring Network Regions    

Configuring Network Sites        

Configuring Network Subnets   

Configuring Network Region Links       

Configuring Network Region Routes     

Configuring Network Site Links 


Change the Web Services URL     


Prevent New Connections to Lync Server 2010 for Server Maintenance   


Delegating Control of Microsoft Lync Server 2010     


Configure a New Trusted Application Server


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hey Marco, Can you clarify what you're looking for? You just want one page of links, so basically what's here but without all the introductory info? Or you want everything that's linked to here in one big long web page? Or...?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    All download center docs can be downloaded from the Lync Server 2010: Survival Guide on Technet Wiki

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hey Amanda, You ask, we least in this case. The Admin Guide PowerShell Supplement is available for downlaod as a doc here:

  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2011
    How'z 'bout you create a one-pager with all of these links?

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2011
    I think what he meant was, why don't you create a one-stop doc so we can download it in one go for handy reading on the train, rather than having to page through the various links... like the Administration Guide :) That's what I'd like to have.