Now taking requests

Samples and tools are a big part of the VS SDK, but what we decide are good samples and tools are not always what you need. So here is your chance to let us know what you would like to see. Always feel free to send us mail directly if you do have a suggestion, but here is a forum for you to discuss ideas. I am not talking about something simple like "I need an example of how to get to the X service", but real, substantial samples and tool ideas. I cannot make any promises as to which ones we will do or when they will be available, but we will try our best.


Edit: To cut down on blog spam I had comments turned off. I reenabled comments.


  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2007
    A tool to diagnose package load failures and "Appid denied the loading of package" devenv log messages (without reference to PLK issues).

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2007
    Sean: This is something that we are working on, and hope to have something available soon.

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2007
    What about an example of how to (mis)use the "compare revisions" view for comparing arbitrary textfiles not just two revisions of the same file? I imagine one could mark two files in the solution explorer and open them in the compare view by klicking on a new command in the context menu. I think that would be a nice feature for visual studio and a good demo for the potentials offerd by the VS SDK.

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2007
    It wouldn't help me very much now since I just finished implementing it myself but I think it would be good to have a smart tags example.

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2007
    While I am sure i can work it all ou with enough hard slog reading and so on, what I find to be lacking is an end-to-end definitoin of a langauge extension package, in a real language one woudl use to do this, prefeably straight C, but C++ would do. What I mena by this is that there seesm to be disparate examples in C3 and so on of variaous bits of things, all of which seem very good in their own right. However, I would prefer to see is the definition of a small language (something artificial that has a syntactical construct to show each aspect of langauge integration), then in one .sln, show colorization, parsing, brace matching and so on, so that if the invented language were a 'real' one it woudl be the complete implementation of all aspects of it. Now, I realzie that this is quite a bit of work, but then so is working out how to do all this "on your own" so to speak. Thoguh I am eventually going to do this anyway, as the contributor for C runtime and code generation for the ANTLR opensource recognizer generator project, I would be willing to create a code generator that would pretty much generate language integration packages given a full enough ANTLR grammar specification (I might need to invent some annotations, but what the hey). I think that given this example, apart from jumpstarting myself a little quicker (again, I will do it anyway, but this is work for free ;-), that this woudl really result in a proliferation of languages added to VS2005+. I have been meaning to add some for a long time, but the tine barrier is a problem, even though it is probaly just a week or so of solid reading. Cheers, Jim

  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2007
    I would like to see a sample posted that does the minimum amount of work necessary to demonstrate adding a custom marker to an existing language service.

  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2007
    I easily found 2 of the 2007.02 IDE Trail Tutorials in error by simply following them.  #3 I have not been able to resolve. For those of just beginning to get a handle on the VSSDK, it would nice to have the tutorials tested prior to publishing.