Next rev of the DTM is available today

The next rev. of the DTM has been released.  See the official announcement here.  The most significant change to this release is the creation of a new product, the Windows Logo Kit (WLK).  Over the last several months we're been breaking the components of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) necessary for developing drivers apart from the pieces necessary to certify drivers, DTM, logo tests and related docs.  The development components will ship as the WDK.  They need to sim-ship with the OS.  The WLK needs to stay closely sync'd with the logo program which is now on an annual cycle, refreshing each June. 

Also in this release, you'll see a lot of work to improve the stability and reliability of both the DTM and the tests.  In our recent survey you told us that improving stability and reliability was the highest impact item we could deliver.  This is the first step in addressing that ask.  One of the other top items was diagnose-ability.  The WLK has a new feature which enables our support saff to add troubleshooting information in the field.  We do this via the errata mechanism.  The errata filters are looking for failures we know to be false and automatically flipping those to be passes for you.  In the new release these filters will also look for ture failures then populate the logs with additional information to assist you in troublehsooting those failures.  The best part is, we can push out new troubleshooting information at any time via errata. 

Finally, the 1.0.a release has previews of the new tests that will be required when the logo program refreshes in June of this year.  You may not want to upgrade your production environment to 1.0.a as the 1.0.b release will include the final version of these new tests and you'll be required to use it for submission in the future.  However, you should definitely start using 1.0.a in some form to get a preview of the new tests.
