New PowerToys for OneNote 2003 SP1

Better sooner than later - the first PowerToys are already here and available for download. Bear in mind that “PowerToy = hobby project”, so these are not necessarily the same robustly designed and high quality things you should expect in the main product, but that said, many of us use them all the time at work and they have been worked over plenty by our internal user group, so they're good to go.

You can check out the PowerToys page (may not be up just yet if you're reading this post July 27-28):

Or go directly to these download pages to get the first two PowerToys:

IE to OneNote. This PowerToy adds a button to IE that lets you send any page or a selection on a page to OneNote. You get the same results as a copy/paste would give you, but you can do it all in one click. It also nicely puts the clippings in a single section so you can browse and clip, browse and clip. Then review your research later, complete with links back to the source pages. Link:

Outlook to OneNote. This PowerToy adds a button to Outlook so that you can send any email message (or group of email messages if you multi-select) to OneNote to keep them together with notes and other docs. Very handy if you like to have a “project folder” section in OneNote that keeps all your stuff together in an easy to flip through and modify/reuse format.

More to come in the next weeks...I love extensibility.

Note: I have an updated post here on PowerToys that I maintain as I find out about new PowerToys.


  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2004
    The IE one is nice, although on installing it the first time the button didn't have an image - so removed/reinstalled now OK.

    The Outlook 2 OneNote app is complaining about not being able to access PA561401.CAB even though it is in the install source specified in the registry - I'll have to wait until I get home and plug in the external CD drive to my Tablet and test it. Is this normal behaviour?

  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2004

    I had the same problem with the IE2OneNote. A re-install has not helped. (I know where the button is so can deal with this.)

    I've also noticed that the settings dialog closes if you browse for a .one file and double click on it.

    Despite these niggles it is really useful functionality.

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2004
    These OneNote PowerToys are actually useful, if hodgepodge clunky. Still no “out from OneNote” yet. :) And major installer glitch with the Outlook .msi file. Retired and canceled four times and it FINALLY took, but nothing was differing. And no I didn’t have Outlook open. Weird, 4 times was a charm however. Heh. :) Others report similar experiences -

    And still a royal pain per sync’ing Desktop data with Tablet data. To me it is such a fundamental feature, not sure how overlooked. I haven’t had a Tablet to play with post-SP1 so it might have gotten better. But feedback in the Community says such is not the case. Well I mean, you can use offline files and copying over data and such, but there is no really decent or practical way of having two OneNote apps sync with each other. Or am I missing something?

    Still, on a upbeat note, OneNote on Desktop went from my casual use pre-SP1 to massive use, one of my primary apps now. SP1 was a heck of an improvement. Kudos.

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2004
    Oh found a bug. In IE (under Tools, Send To OneNote Settings), once you do the Choose Selection, yet cancel out, it errors out with a “System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.” :)

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 28, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Is it possible that you don't have the .Net API support for Outlook installed? I don't think it is installed by default with Office 2003, but it is listed as a requirement for this addin.

    "The following is also required:
    Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
    Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 .NET Programmability Support"

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Is it possible that you don't have the .Net API support for Outlook installed? I don't think it is installed by default with Office 2003, but it is listed as a requirement for this addin.

    "The following is also required:
    Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
    Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 .NET Programmability Support"

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    I've given up. Have unloaded, repaired reinstalled more than 12 times and the Outlook 2 OneNote will not load. I consistently get the missing .msi message. I have the .NET framework installed. When I did a search at MS for the Microsoft Office Outlook .NET Programmability Support, I got no hits. Also, I searched my MS Office install CD and wouldn't know the .NET API support for Outlook. How can I tell if these are installed or where can I get them?

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Ken, did you go to the instructions on the download page and follow step 2 to get the Outlook .net programmability support?

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    Thanks. That was the piece I could not find. I did not have it loaded. I still had to go through the install 4 times to get it to take, but it worked. I got a message back from another blog post I made to Donovan Lange at MS who apparently helped develop this thing. He said, in part, "One easy trick that seems to work pretty well is to open the downloaded .exe with WinZip, extract the one and only MSI in the archive - and use that file
    when prompted by Outlook." This should help the 4 times if you just extract the msi file first then point the installer to it. Thanks for your help.

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    I thought I'd remind everyone that the PowerToys are just hobby projects, not official MS software. Some of them also use the new managed code interfaces to Office apps, so you may not have all the right parts installed if this is the first such add-in you have installed. The instructions on the install page are actually important to read.

    I think we're also seeing some of the complexity of building software that has to work for many different types of installations and has to add-in to a complex piece of software. I've blogged before about how it is easy to feel that code is in good shape because you can't find bugs in it, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. The PowerToys have not been through our normal extensive testing given they are just personal projects, but once installed they tend to work pretty well (so say the 10-20 people who have used each one). Please report bugs as you see them and maye the folks who work on these in their spare time will have enough info to fix some of them and release an update if necessary.

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2004
    You know what - it was the .NET Programmability support i did not have installed. I never read install instructions - my fault - It works beautifully now! thanks.!

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2004
    Well I had .NET Programmability and still ran into glitches, as did many others, and many other bugs afterwards. But the install took after some word-arounds, eventually. But to assume people (or the average End User) is going to read 'Install Instructions' (even with Powertoys) is not reality. A .msi or a setup.exe should work from get-go without complicated pre-prep; if they didn't have .NET Programmability support, prompt for it. Even so, glad they were ink'ed. :)

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2004
    Extensibility request

    1. allow IE "send selection to OneNote"
    2. make the main memo field in Outlook calendar forms an Inkable Journal/OneNote-like surface. I'm always wanting to paste in useful things like web fragments, maps and pictures - possibly for further annotation.

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2004
    Michael Williams: the IE2Onenote PowerToy sends the selection to OneNote, so your #1 wish is already handled. I'll pass your #2 on to the Outlook team.

  • Anonymous
    August 08, 2004
    BOth tools fantastic ... ie2 worked first time... outlook2 installed, uninstalled, etc as other contributors, then extracted the msi.. no worries thereafter..

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2004
    mmm. my last post didn't take.

    re request #1, I was hoping for something that would preserve page layout rather than HTML soup that roughly preserves top-down ordering but loses so much structure. A compromise of sorts would be if the "Capture Screen Clipping" tool had some smarts with IE to scroll the client area. Just read one of my LH specs :-)

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2004
    Michael, There are a couple of powertoys in the works that should do mostly what you want. They both take the approach of printing the web page (or just a selection) into OneNote as images of printed pages. I am not aware of a tool that lets you make a rectangular screenshot of IE while scrolling the web page, although if someone had that code, sticking the resulting bitmap in OneNote is relatively easy.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2004
    I've thought of a few approaches to the capture+scrolling issue, but don't have any code lying around... ah well, guess i'll just go back to the beach.

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2004
    Something else desired for IE2OneNote: right-click access to the feature for those popup windows without toolbars - especially the nice print formatted (no ads) pages available on many media websites.

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2004
    Also nice to have.. (or has anyone cracked this yet??)

    IM to one note... I find myself copying an IM thread to OneNote more and more to keep it with the rest of the topics... a simple click on the IM client would be fantastic.. we currently use Windows Messenger rather than the MSN client (i know the MSN can record the thread... but not into OneNote..) anyway.. thats it..

  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2004
    Some drag & drop between the two would be handy.

    The Messenger Client needs to be friendlier about logging conversations with ink - ie provide a default save to RTF rather than forcing you to remember to do it manually after each conversation. It also auto-switches you to text mode if you lose contact with ink-enabled partners, and throws out any ink you've written. Anyway I know that's off topic for this BLOG but I'm not aware of any Messenger teams participating in blogs or newsgroups to get direct feedback.

  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2004
    I'm leary of installing these because of the .Net requirement, as I had a lot of problems with the .Net about a year agao I think. Plus it was a disk hog besides. Any chance of some non .Net powertools?

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2004
    A new third-party Powertoy...

    OneNote Image Writer PowerToy

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2004
    This isn't anything near as sophisticated as a powertoy, but it serves as a good enough work around for me for the ugly file link problem...<br><br><a target="_new" href=""></a><br><br>HTH

  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2004

  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2005
    Ok, I've posted about OneNote PowerToys&amp;nbsp;before, back when we released SP1 which made PowerToys possible....

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2005
    Ok, I've posted about OneNote PowerToys&amp;nbsp;before, back when we released SP1 which made PowerToys possible....

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2005
    Ok, I've posted about OneNote PowerToys&amp;nbsp;before, back when we released SP1 which made PowerToys possible....

  • Anonymous
    February 13, 2006
    Your links don't wrap in Firefox and run over into the sidebar

  • Anonymous
    February 14, 2006
    Rrose Selavy: Yes, I see that too. I wonder why FireFox doesn't wrap long links like IE does? The HTML is plain and simple - looks like just a FireFox implementation choice (or bug).

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2006
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2006
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2006
    Ok, I've posted about OneNote PowerToys before, back when we released SP1 which made PowerToys possible.

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