Attend a Mission to Microsoft HQ USA


Australian Trade Delegation to Microsoft: Gain early access to MS’s strategic vision for the financial services industry

About this mission:

Be part of the first-ever delegation of Australian financial services technology and solutions providers to Microsoft’s Redmond Headquarters, organised by Austrade and in coordination with Microsoft.

Microsoft is working to expand its platform and assist software providers address the opportunities in the financial services industry (FSI).
Globally, the FSI is seeking new ‘next generation’ technologies to fuel innovation, differentiate their services, integrate front, middle and back offices and provide advanced tools for analytics and algorithmic trading.

Important information:

  • Date: 4–6 June 2008
  • Location: Redmond, USA
  • Application deadline: Friday 28 March

Who should participate? Australian businesses with:

  • Innovative software technology relevant to the financial services industry
  • Proven track record of selling technology solutions to Australian and offshore financial services firms
  • Reference sites
  • Financial and management commitment to exporting.

Why should you participate?

  • Benefit from an early insight into Microsoft’s product development and strategic FSI vision.
  • Gain privileged access to key product managers at Microsoft.
  • Learn first hand how Microsoft is evolving both as a company and a technology platform to meet the growing demands of the financial services industry.
  • Get first-mover advantage in positioning your company in line with market demand and future technology trends.

The program:

  • Tuesday 3 June: Arrive in Redmond
  • Wednesday 4 June and Thursday 5 June: Microsoft FSI Strategic Briefing Days
    • In-depth technical briefings by MS on their strategic direction in the FSI
    • Presentations and discussions with MS product development managers
    • Tour of MS’s Advanced Consumer Technology Showroom
  • Friday 6 June: Full day of networking with venture capitalists, industry experts and other potential business partners
  • Saturday 7 June: Depart Redmond

Application deadline: 28 March 2008

For more information please contact:

Elodie Journet
Senior Export Adviser USA
Austrade Melbourne
Tel: 03 9648 3185

