Custom Iterator's Article by Bill Wagner on the Developer Center

On the Developer Center there is a new article by Bill Wagner about Custom Iterators and the Yield statement. Bill is one of the most skilled technical writers in the industry. His excellent book Effective C#, topped the Amazon technical book list when it came out. Patterned after Scott Meyer's famous book on C++, this book gives developers 50 ways to hone their C# skills.

Blessed with strong writing skills and the ability to assimilate a large number of details, Bill's writing is one of the key sources to turn to when you want expert advice on the fine points of C# programming. There are very few developers who would not learn something new by reading Effective C#. In that text Bill lays out the best techniques for solving a number of common programming scenarios that frequently  confuse even the experts. After years of hard work, some of us could probably discover at least a few of the same lessons that are so artfully explained in this book. However, a great deal of time can be saved if you pick up his fine text and benefit directly from Bill's experience.

We are fortunate that Bill is willing to make contributions to the Developer Center. The article he has written on Iterators can help developers learn an important and useful skill that many C# developers overlook.

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  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2007
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