Off to a brand new adventure...

After over a decade at Microsoft, I decided to start on a new adventure. I moved to Microsoft from Informix and had a chance to work during the .Net 1.0 wave, on SQL Server 2005 & 2008, on and finally on SQL Azure (a.k.a Azure SQL DB). It truly felt like being a kid in a toy store!

To those of you who are frequent readers, listeners and commenters, THANKS YOU! I had a chance to work with many of you over the years and learned a great deal about your experiences with these products. Thanks to everyone who read and reached out through twitter, this blog or walked into one of my session at conferences around the world, for your passion for technology, friendship, patience and your hard work. I truly enjoyed our interactions and I hope our roads cross again!

Twitter: @cihangirb


-cihan biyikoglu


  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2013
    I've used a lot of the articles you wrote as reference while I was learning SQL Azure. I'm sorry to see you goo. Thank you for what you've done and good luck going forward!
  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2013
    Hi, Cihan,Best of luck in your new venture. I'll miss your SQL Azure Federations posts.Cheers,--rj
  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2013
    Thanks Everyone for all the nice words and wishes. I hope our roads cross again. In Them meantime, I will be at @cihangirb on Twitter.