My laptop is *so* *slow*
Fairly frequently these days, my laptop just slows down to an unendurable crawl.
Everything slows, even screen refreshes. It is a Toshiba Techra 8200.
Per helpdesk guidance I chkdsk'ed and defrag'ed; but it still happens. My current
guess is that when it heats up it gets slow; because it generally seems OK when I
first start using it.
Anyone else seen something like this?
- Anonymous
March 07, 2004
I have a Toshiba Satelite and it is extremely slow now too. It is ridiculous. It is only one year old. - Anonymous
July 07, 2004
I also have a Toshiba Satellite Pro, and it is terrible. Never will I get a Toshiba again, and I have 1Gb ram too!