"Resources for Java Developers" dev center live
We've finally got the “Resources for Java Developers” dev center live on MSDN thanks to a lot of hard work from Dan, Kent, and others.
Check it out here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/java/
Please let me know what other content you'd like to see. This is for Java developers who are interesting in learning about Microsoft .NET technologies for purposes of development, code migration, interoperability, etc.
- Anonymous
June 14, 2004
Hey Brian,
Some Microsoft links you probably should add to the site:
White paper on Web Architectures in .NET and Java - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/ASPNet-ASPNet-J2EE-Struts.asp
JSP to ASP.NET Migration guide link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/using/migrating/jspmig/default.aspx
Not that I have a vested interest in either of these projects or anything. :)