Visual C++ Getting Started Page Updated
We've updated the Visual C++ Developer Center Getting Started page. It now has links to a number of different examples to get you started with Visual C++. Take a look and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see in this area.
I've had a number of requests for some step by step instructions for using the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 download to build C++ applications. I'll try to get a little notepad tutorial posted for how to do that in the next week or so.
- Anonymous
November 03, 2004
How to learn visual c++ for a fresh guy,please? - Anonymous
November 04, 2004
GOOD - Anonymous
November 04, 2004
I second that request. It used to be so easy with visual studio 6. I am taking data structures and before uploading my programs I use microsoft's products to debug them, etc ... I need to know how to be able to work with various files. Example, say I have main.cpp (which contains the function main), then I have poly.h (which contains the class definition POLY, and finally, I have poly.cpp (which of course contains the function definitions for class poly. - Anonymous
November 06, 2004
running Compatiblity Wizard Mode, mmjb.exe.
Says; runtime error, terminates in a unsual way.Steve Serdinsky - Anonymous
November 08, 2004
plz send me a book - Anonymous
November 11, 2004
hi dear
please send me an vc++ 6 tutorial or guide
thanks alot
sincerely - Anonymous
November 19, 2004
Good start but please include more screenshots. Very very good examples for those of us who learn by watching what others do. - Anonymous
November 21, 2004
I want to programming language c++