Office Developer Conference Videos Online

Well, it was all the way back in March when we had the Office Developer's conference out here in Redmond. It was a lot of fun, as we actually had a track dedicated to the Open XML formats. There were three separate presentations and we were able to get into some pretty good details.

Now, almost 5 months later, we finally have the videos from the conference available online. They are all pretty raw, and definitely unedited, but I figured you might still be interested in taking a look. Here are the three file format talks if you are interested:

  1. FF301—New Office XML File Formats – This is an overview of the file formats that I gave to kick off the File Format track. It's a little over an hour.
  2. FF302—New Office XML File Formats (Schemas)
    – This talk goes into the three different formats (WordprocessingML; SpreadsheetML; and PresentationML). I have to apologize up front for butchering the presentationML talk. Shawn unfortunately had to cancel his trip up at the last minute and so I subbed in for him. :-)
  3. FF303—New Office XML File Formats (Solution Development) – In this talk, Kevin goes into some of the tools that will be provided to help make programming against the formats a bit easier. This is about 3 months prior to all the code snippets being uploaded though, so there's definitely a lot more content now than when Kevin first gave the talk.

Another interesting talk was: Word 2007 XML Programmability: Data/View Separation and Rich Eventing for Custom XML Solutions - For those of you interested in learning more about content controls and custom XML mapping in Word, you should check out Tristan's talk. He talks about how to set up XML mappings, as well as the powerful additions made to the Object Model for content controls.



  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2006
    Brian - we were supposed to get Office Dev Con DVD sets with all the webcasts, sessions, materials, etc. Do you know what happened to that? Kindly - Chris Haaker
  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2006
    I'm not sure what happened, but let me ask around.
  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2006
    Hey Chris, it looks like they sent them out, but they didn't have a record of you being an attendee. If you can send me your mailing details, I'll ask them to send one out to you.
