what does this advertisement status message mean?

here is the dump from  v_AdvertisementStatusInformation

MessageID MessageState MessageStateName MessageName
0 0 No Status No messages have been received
10000 2 Rejected Program rejected (offer data integrity)
10001 11 Failed Program rejected (package data integrity)
10002 1 Accepted Program received
10003 11 Failed Failed (bad environment)
10004 11 Failed Program failed
10005 9 Running Program started
10006 11 Failed Program failed
10007 11 Failed Program failed
10008 13 Succeeded Program completed with success
10009 13 Succeeded Program completed with success
10018 2 Rejected Program rejected (wrong platform)
10019 3 Expired Program expired
10020 8 Waiting Program deferred due to slow link
10021 11 Failed Program failed (unexpected restart)
10022 12 Reboot Pending Program completed successfully (reboot pending)
10023 5 Download in Progress Download Started
10024 6 Download Complete Download complete
10025 11 Failed Download failed
10030 11 Failed Download failed - content mismatch
10031 7 Cancelled Download cancelled
10034 7 Cancelled Program cancelled by user
10035 8 Waiting Waiting for content
10036 8 Waiting Waiting for user condition
10037 8 Waiting Waiting for another program
10040 13 Succeeded Program will not rerun
10041 4 Will Not Rerun Program will not rerun
10042 4 Will Not Rerun Program will not rerun
10045 10 Retrying Not enough space in cache
10046 10 Retrying Unable to perform Windows Installer per-user elevation
10050 11 Failed Cache too small
10051 11 Failed Program failed (no content)
10052 2 Rejected Program rejected (invalid policy)
10053 11 Failed Program failed (download failed)
10054 11 Failed Not enough space in cache
10055 10 Retrying Retry (Bad environment)
10056 10 Retrying Program failed (retrying)
10057 11 Failed Program failed (download failed - content mismatch)
10058 11 Failed Program failed (download/location failure)
10060 10 Retrying Program retrying (no content)
10061 10 Retrying Download failed (retrying)
10062 10 Retrying Program retrying (download/location failure)
10070 11 Failed Program failed (run time exceeded)
10071 10 Retrying Program failed (retrying)
10072 10 Retrying Program failed (retrying)
10073 8 Waiting Waiting for a Service Window
10074 11 Failed Program may never run due to Service Window Constraints
10075 12 Reboot Pending Waiting for a Service Window to Reboot Machine
10076 12 Reboot Pending Rebooted Machine Outside of Service Windows
10077 8 Waiting Waiting for Content Availability on a local DP to run the Program from Network
10078 11 Failed Failed to Run. Internet based system timed out waiting for a local network DP
10079 11 Failed System may never Reboot due to Service Window Constraints
10080 11 Failed Failed to Run. The Operating System Deployment Task Sequence cannot run while the client is on the Internet
10800 14 Advanced Client Installed Advanced client successfully installed
10802 14 Advanced Client Installed Advanced client successfully upgraded
10809 14 Advanced Client Installed Advanced client successfully repaired
11010 1 Accepted Device program policy received
11020 1 Accepted Device program content request received
11030 5 Download in Progress Device program download started
11031 9 Running Device program download succeeded
11032 11 Failed Device program download failed
11035 13 Succeeded Device program execution succeeded
11036 11 Failed Device program execution failed
11100 21 Action Started OS installation successfully started an action
11101 11 Failed OS installation action failed
11102 13 Succeeded OS installation completed successfully
11103 11 Failed OS installation failed to request distribution points from management point
11104 11 Failed OS installation failed because there are no distribution points available
11105 11 Failed OS installation failed to connect to the distribution point
11106 15 Validation OS installation successfully started the Validation phase
11107 16 State Capture OS installation successfully started the State Capture phase
11108 17 Preinstall OS installation successfully started the Preinstall phase
11109 18 Install OS installation successfully started the Install phase
11110 19 Postinstall OS installation successfully started the Postinstall phase
11111 20 State Restore OS installation successfully started the State Restore phase
11120 9 Running The task sequence execution engine skipped a disabled group
11121 9 Running The task sequence execution engine failed evaluating the condition for a group
11122 9 Running The task sequence execution engine skipped a group because the condition was evaluated to be false
11123 9 Running The task sequence execution engine evaluated TRUE for the condition of a group
11124 9 Running The task sequence execution engine started a group
11125 9 Running The task sequence execution engine ignored execution failure in a group
11126 9 Running The task sequence execution engine aborted execution for a failure in a group
11127 9 Running The task sequence execution engine successfully completed execution of a group
11128 9 Running The task sequence execution engine skipped a disabled action
11129 9 Running The task sequence execution engine failed evaluating the condition for an action
11130 9 Running The task sequence execution engine skipped an action because the condition was evaluated to be false
11131 9 Running The task sequence execution engine evaluated TRUE for the condition of an action
11132 9 Running The task sequence execution engine failed to start an action
11133 9 Running The task sequence execution engine successfully started an action
11134 9 Running The task sequence execution engine successfully completed an action
11135 9 Running The task sequence execution engine failed executing an action
11136 9 Running The task sequence execution engine received an external shutdown request during execution of an action
11137 9 Running The task sequence execution engine timeout in executing an action
11138 9 Running The task sequence execution engine ignored execution failure of an action
11139 9 Running The task sequence execution engine aborted execution for a failure of an action
11140 9 Running The task sequence execution engine started execution of a task sequence
11141 11 Failed The task sequence execution engine failed execution of a task sequence
11142 9 Running The task sequence execution engine performed a system reboot initiated by an action
11143 13 Succeeded The task sequence execution engine successfully completed a task sequence
11170 11 Failed The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence
11171 13 Succeeded The task sequence manager successfully completed execution of the task sequence
11200 101 Failed Invalid command line syntax or value
11201 101 Failed Could not retrieve assignment schedule
11202 101 Failed Could not load authorization list
11203 101 Failed Could not locate scan tool cache
11204 101 Failed Attempt to run the scan tool failed
11205 101 Failed Error loading data from WMI.
11206 101 Failed Error writing data to WMI
11207 101 Failed Could not open resource DLL.
11250 103 Retrying Waiting for next advertisement recurrence (change window missed, early start)
11251 103 Retrying Waiting for next advertisement recurrence (change window missed, late start)
11252 104 Postponed Installation was rescheduled by the user
11253 104 Postponed Installation was postponed by the user
11254 104 Postponed Installation was postponed automatically
11255 103 Retrying Installation summary
11256 103 Retrying Waiting for next advertisement recurrence (change window missed, duration expired)
11257 103 Retrying Pre-install reboot was rescheduled by the user
11258 103 Retrying Pre-install reboot was postponed by the user
11259 102 Reboot pending Pre-install reboot was postponed automatically
11260 102 Reboot pending Pre-install reboot was initiated.
11261 102 Reboot pending Installation completed and reboot was rescheduled by the user
11262 102 Reboot pending Installation completed and reboot was postponed by the user
11263 102 Reboot pending Installation completed and reboot was postponed automatically
11264 100 Success Installation completed and a reboot was initiated
11265 100 Success Installation completed and forced reboot was initiated
11266 102 Reboot pending Installation completed and reboot was suppressed for the workstation role
11267 102 Reboot pending Installation completed and reboot was suppressed for the server role
11268 100 Success Installation agent completed and reboot was not needed
11269 103 Retrying Pre-install reboot is needed for installation to continue
11270 102 Reboot pending Reboot of the computer is required.
11300 107 Preliminary Success Installation was successful and a reboot was not indicated
11301 102 Reboot pending Installation was successful and a reboot is needed for the update to take effect
11302 101 Failed Software update failed to install
11303 103 Retrying Installation has timed-out
11304 103 Retrying Installation was cancelled by the user
11306 101 Failed Installation failed because of insufficient disk space
11307 107 Preliminary Success Installation was successful and a reboot was not indicated
11308 102 Reboot pending Installation was successful and a reboot is needed for the update to take effect
11309 107 Preliminary Success Installation was successful and a reboot was not indicated (enforcement date met)
11310 102 Reboot pending Installation was successful and a reboot is needed for the update to take effect (enforcement date met)
11400 101 Failed Cannot access temp folder
11401 101 Failed Unsupported operating system version
11402 101 Failed Cannot access cache folder or no administrative rights available
11403 101 Failed Unsupported version of Internet Explorer
11404 101 Failed Insufficient disk free space (10mb required)
11405 101 Failed Scan results not found
11406 101 Failed Scan failed to update WMI
11408 105 Install Verified Status has changed to installed
11409 106 Uninstalled Status has changed to not installed
11410 101 Failed Unable to read configuration file
11411 101 Failed Unable to meet requirements
11412 101 Failed Unable to execute
11413 101 Failed Unable to expand file
11414 101 Failed Unable to locate scan.ini
11415 100 Success Scan started
11416 101 Failed Failed to start scan
11417 100 Success Scan completed successfully
11418 101 Failed Scan didn't finish in the expected time
11419 100 Success Scan waiting for contents
11420 101 Failed Scan content download failed
11421 101 Failed Total cache size is insufficient to download the Scan contents
11422 101 Failed Current available cache size is insufficient to download the Scan contents
11423 101 Failed Scan failed
11424 101 Failed Update Source registration failed
11425 101 Failed Scan request with Legacy Scanner is rejected
11426 106 Success Scan succeeded with some extended scan errors
11450 101 Failed SMS Site Code is not specified.
11451 101 Failed Package ID is not specified.
11452 101 Failed SMS Site name is not specified.
11453 101 Failed Package source folder is not specified.
11454 101 Failed Unable to write to package source folder.
11455 101 Failed Unable to read from package source folder.
11456 101 Failed Unable to download catalog
11457 100 Success Catalog download completed successfully
11458 101 Failed Unable to update Distribution Points
11459 101 Failed Unable to update site database from catalog
11460 100 Success Sync operation completed successfully without catalog update
11461 101 Failed The content downloaded can't be trusted, unable to verify the certificate attached to the content, or no certificate was attached
11462 101 Failed An existing or higher version of a scan tool is already installed at a parent site in the hierarchy
11500 51 Informational Version of device client on attached device is newer. No action taken.
11501 51 Informational No device client action specified. No action taken.
11502 51 Informational Device client installation completed successfully.
11503 51 Informational Device client upgrade completed successfully.
11504 51 Informational Installed device client state verified and settings enforced.
11505 51 Informational Device client uninstallation completed successfully.
11506 51 Informational Device client installation completed successfully and certificate enrollment was not required.
11507 51 Informational Device client upgrade completed successfully and certificate enrollment was not required.
11508 51 Informational Installed Device client state verified, settings enforced and certificate enrollment was not required.
11510 52 Warning Device client installation completed successfully. Certificate installation and/or enrollment failed. Check DmInstaller.log on the Device Client for detailed error information.
11511 52 Warning Device client upgrade completed successfully. Certificate installation and/or enrollment failed. Check DmInstaller.log on the Device Client for detailed error information.
11512 52 Warning Installed device client state verified and settings enforced. Certificate installation and/or enrollment failed. Check DmInstaller.log on the Device Client for detailed error information.
11520 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11521 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11522 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11523 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11524 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11525 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11526 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11527 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11528 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11529 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11530 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11540 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11541 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11542 53 Error Device client deployment action failed
11550 53 Error Device client installation or upgrade failed. Error during uninstallation of previous client.
11551 53 Error Device client installation or upgrade failed. Invalid client settings file.
11552 53 Error Device client installation or upgrade failed. Error installing client CAB file.
11553 53 Error Device client installation or upgrade failed. Error starting client service.
11554 53 Error Device client installation or upgrade failed. Error updating client settings.
11555 53 Error Device Client Deployment failed with unknown error.
11560 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Error during uninstallation of previous client.
11561 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Invalid client settings file.
11562 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Error installing client CAB file.
11563 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Error starting client service.
11564 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Error updating client settings.
11565 53 Error Device client verification or repair failed. Error restoring required files.
11566 53 Error Device client privileged certificate installation failed.  Device may have a security policy which prevents the client installer from installing certificates into the privileged and SPC certificate stores.
11567 53 Error Encountered unknown error installing the device client.
11568 53 Error Device client setup failed to launch during install.
11570 53 Error Device client uninstallation failed. Error using unload.exe to uninstall the existing client.
11571 53 Error Device client install/upgrade failed. Error enforcing new client. Device rolled back to old client (if existed before).
11572 53 Error Device client rollback failed during unsuccessful upgrade. Error enforcing old client. Need to freshly install the client.
11573 53 Error Device client failed to perform post cab install actions. Device client installation failed.
11700 101 Failed Scan Tool for this update is not available
11701 101 Failed Scan Tool for this update failed
11702 101 Failed The contents hash for this update provided in policy does not match with the contents downloaded
11703 101 Failed The contents for this update could not be located
11704 101 Failed Contents size for this update exceed free cache size available
11705 101 Failed Contents size for this update exceed total cache size available
11706 101 Failed Failed to download contents for this update
11707 101 Failed This Update cannot be attempted due to invalid commandline
11708 101 Failed This Update application failed
11709 101 Failed This Update did not finish in allocated time
11710 101 Failed Creation of process failed for this update
11711 101 Failed Failed to get installer path for this update
11712 101 Failed Failed to monitor process for this update after service restart
11713 101 Failed SMS internal error occurred for this update
11714 101 Failed Bundle update failed to get content for this update
11715 101 Failed Bundle update failed to install this update
11716 101 Failed Bundle update failed to evaluate the applicability of its leaf updates
11717 101 Failed No current or future maintenance window is available to accomodate this update with max runtime
11750 101 Failed Updates enforcement job failed for this assignment
11751 101 Failed Updates failures occured during enforcement of this assignment
11752 101 Failed Some updates are still non-compliant after enforcemet completion of this assignment
11753 101 Failed Post restart updates compliance checking failed
11754 101 Failed Failed to initiate enforcement of this assignment
11755 101 Failed Failed to initiate updates evaluation for this assignment
11756 101 Failed Updates evaluation job completed with failure for this assignment
11757 101 Failed Invalid policy received for this assignment
11758 101 Failed Failed to initiate updates advance download for assignment
11759 101 Failed Updates advance download job completed with failure for assignment
11760 101 Failed No maintenance window is defined to accommodate at least one update in the deployment
11800 230 Failed Failed to download baseline CI.
11801 230 Failed The contents hash for the baseline CI provided in policy does not match with the contents downloaded.
11802 230 Failed Cannot further process the baseline CI. Managed client does not have the .Net framework version 2.0 installed.
11850 230 Failed Failed to download baseline CI content.
11851 230 Failed The contents hash for the baseline content provided in policy does not match with the contents downloaded.
11852 230 Failed Failed to evaluate baseline content.
11853 230 Failed Failed to report compliance state for baseline content.
11858 230 Failed Baseline CI could not be decompressed.
11859 230 Failed Baseline content could not be decompressed.
11860 230 Failed Internal error - cannot further process baseline content.
11861 230 Failed Internal error - cannot further process baseline CI.
11862 230 Failed Failed to launch discovery process for baseline content.
11863 230 Failed Discovery process crashed for baseline content.
11864 230 Failed Baseline content has model violations.
11865 230 Failed Baseline content encountered one or more errors during discovery.
11866 230 Failed Download of baseline CI timed out.
11867 230 Failed Download of baseline content timed out.
65535 -1 Accepted - No Further Status Program received - no further status


  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2016
    11751 101 Failed Updates failures occured during enforcement of this assignment