Need an easy way to create a unique file name with the date?
I needed to dump winlogon and do some checks against the dump file and needed and easy way to get the computername and date in the file name and formatted so I could easily perfrom next steps. Here was the soution:
C:\Debuggers>echo %computername%_%DATE:~10,4%.%DATE:~4,2%.%DATE:~7,2%
Here was the script I was running to do some checks and get a dump of winlogon...
c:\debuggers\tlist -v |findstr /c:" 0 " |findstr "winlogon.exe" > c:\tlist.txt
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in (c:\tlist.txt) do SET PID=%%a
echo %PID%
C:\debuggers\cdb -p %PID% -pvr -c ".dump /ma C:\debuggers\%computername%_%DATE:~10,4%.%DATE:~4,2%.%DATE:~7,2%_winlogon.dmp;qd" //Noninvasive attach to the process (pvr) gets userdump and quits.
del /f c:\tlist.txt