High Performance Computing Course @ Boston MTC

Location information: Waltham, MA

Here is the information:



Five intensive days developing parallel applications that take advantage of high-performance clusters and Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 / HPC Server 2008

This course provides in-depth coverage of high-performance application development and design using Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 and HPC Server 2008. Intended for both commercial developers and academic researchers, our goal is to quickly bring attendees up to speed on the design and development of 64-bit parallel codes. Attendees learn to take full advantage of modern high-performance clusters, from running simple parametric sweeps to developing multi-core, multi-node apps with OpenMP, PFx, MPI, and MPI.NET. Discussion includes numerous practical considerations, including data distribution and collection, debugging, tracing, porting, performance tuning, visualization, and customizing the client-side submission process via the scheduler's API. The course follows a lecture/lab format, providing every attendee with hands-on development experience using a high-performance cluster. The programming languages used are C++ and C#.


Technorati Tags: Training,HPC
