Get your app on! Students learn XNA and Silverlight Gaming at Pace Game Camp

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100 students from 20 different colleges and high schools in the New York area got together at Pace University to hear Andrew Parsons and Bob Familiar lecture on XNA and Silverlight programming for Windows, XBox and Windows Phone. They are competing for an XBox and other prizes on Sunday as they prepare their games for entry into the Imagine Cup Competition.

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Andrew Parsons kicks off the event WindowsPhone7XBox360 The force is strong in this one 12 years old, developed an XNA Game and a Silverlight App for the Windows Phone in one afternoon...what did you do on Saturday!

Check out more pictures of the event here.


Technorati Tags: XNA,WP7,XBox,Windows,Silverlight,Visual Studio,Gaming


  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2011
    Thank you. You are doing great things for education!