The Great Flying Tortoise
A hard-boiled look at Win32 C++ programming and the property system
Surprise! My success is your failure
Windows APIs often use HRESULTs. Almost every function returns an HRESULT and almost every caller is...
Author: benkaras Date: 09/07/2006
Why use IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore?
I often get this question: "How can I read properties directly from a property handler?" (Remember...
Author: benkaras Date: 09/06/2006
Property System Layers and Extensibility Points
It's easy to get confused about what points of extensibility exist and what layer provide what...
Author: benkaras Date: 09/05/2006
What is the Property System? - in normal language
In my first post, I described what the property system provides from an API perspective. But I used...
Author: benkaras Date: 09/01/2006
Trying out the property system
You can, of course, wait for Windows Vista to ship before checking out the property system. But if...
Author: benkaras Date: 08/31/2006
So what's this PROPERTYKEY that the property system uses? Where do I get them? Well, property keys...
Author: benkaras Date: 08/30/2006
Property consumerism
Reading properties is rather simple. First, bind to the item. SHCreateItemFromIDList and...
Author: benkaras Date: 08/29/2006
What is the property system?
The property system is a new set of APIs for Microsoft Windows Vista that provides a general way to...
Author: benkaras Date: 08/28/2006