What’s new in the Azure Mobile Services client SDKs 1.1.3
The version 1.1.3 for the following platforms have been released:
Managed (C# / VB)
- New authentication provider: WindowsAzureActiveDirectory
- When logging in with the overload that takes the provider as a string, both "WindowsAzureActiveDirectory" and "AAD" are supported (case-insensitive).
- Fixed issue 213, which prevented custom APIs from sending query string parameters starting with ‘$’
- Added support for both versions of the provider name for Windows Azure Active Directory (@"WindowsAzureActiveDirectory" and @"aad")
JavaScript (Windows Store / HTML)
- Added support for both versions of the provider name for Windows Azure Active Directory ('WindowsAzureActiveDirectory' and 'aad')
- The HTML/JS SDK can be found in the CDN at https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mobileservices/MobileServices.Web-1.1.3.min.js.
- New authentication provider: WindowsAzureActiveDirectory
- When logging in with the overload that takes the provider as a string, both "WindowsAzureActiveDirectory" and "AAD" are supported (case-insensitive).
- Support for system properties in tables: __createdAt, __updatedAt and __version.
- Support for conditional updates, triggered by the version member of types. Two new exception types can be returned in the case of failed conditional updates: MobileServicePreconditionFailedException and MobileServicePreconditionFailedExceptionBase, which have a property containing the object returned by the service on the failed updates.
- Anonymous
August 28, 2014
The ajax.aspnetcdn.com/.../MobileServices.Web-1.1.3.min.js doesnt load on android for cordova apps.It gives a parser error