Azure Service Fabric - Brings More Power to Age of Ascent (Massive Multiplayer Online Game)
When UK studio Illyriad Games releases Age of Ascent later this year, it will become the largest massively multiplayer online game in history. Because it runs on the Azure Service Fabric distributed systems platform in the cloud, Age of Ascent can automatically scale up to meet the demand of thousands of concurrent players joining battles directly in their browsers. And because ASP.NET Core is open source, developers can collaborate to continuously improve performance, making the most epic real-time gaming experience to date!
Visit Illyriad Games here:
- Illyriad:
- Age of Ascent:
See Also
- Service Fabric State Resiliency Considerations
- Video: Microsoft Cloud Allows Age of Ascent To Handle 50,000 Players in Same Battle
- Article: Microsoft Azure cloud services tuck ops under the covers
- Video: Gaming at Cloud Scale with James Niesewand and Ben Adams
- Video: Age of Ascent at the Microsoft Build 2016 Keynote Presentation
- Video: Age of Ascent at the Azure Service Fabric for Developers presentation
- Anonymous
March 09, 2017
This looks so cool! <3- Anonymous
March 09, 2017
The video is really cool!Apparently, the primary market for first-person massive multiplayer online space shooters is... wait for it...Women models! Now it all makes sense! Wait, no it doesn't.
- Anonymous